Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Great Omnipotent

Ya know, a couple of comments here and there would be cool. I'm just sayin'. {g}

Medieval Word of the Day: boinard--A fool, simpleton; rogue, scoundrel. There are only two listings for this word in the OED, one in 1300 and one in 1399. Too bad. We can always use more insults.

I had almost 2 solid hours to work on TMT yesterday. (I was home in the afternoon with Child, just to make sure she was okay after getting her 4-year vaccinations. She was great, and took a loooong nap. {s}) I plowed through Chapters 4 and 5, tweaking. I let Katherine argue with a minor antagonist instead of being passive and weepy. She was quite happy about it, I think.

Revisions at this stage are an odd beastie, because they can actually make you feel god-like. After all, events are already set down in a certain way. In the book's existing world (which is "complete" at its level), This happened, then This happened. Characters interacted with each other, made their comments, et voila.

But noooo. In I come, the deity. "I don't like that," I say. "You're too weak here. Change your response." The character looks at me blankly for a minute, then looks around at the other characters. They all shrug at her. "Hmmm," she says. "What if I say this instead?" And I get to decide. Does that work? Is it strong enough now? What ramifications will it have on the rest of the characters and the plot? Then if I give the nod, she says it the new way, and all clicks into life again. Everyone else has to respond differently too, and the world shifts.

It's even more fun changing locations on them. Thomas and Katherine are at an inn, drinking ale before a fire, all the complexities of their situation swirling around them. "Hang on," I say. "You couldn't be at that inn. I found a new map; that's too far away. Sorry, you'll have to spend the night in the forest instead." So suddenly they find themselves sitting on a damp log, in a cold, misty night, with a fire new-started that's only giving out smoke. Now they're annoyed with me for tearing away their warm inn and their ale, so they snap at each other. Until I tell them they have to be nice again...conflict is all well and good, but I need a kiss, not like that, like you mean it...

Of course they all get back at me by doing things I didn't want them to do, later. By running off in the wrong direction (NO! Run away from the fire!), kissing the wrong person, saying some smart-alecky comment I can't make them take back...but the god-like illusion is fun while it lasts.


  1. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Hi Susan:
    Love this: "The character looks at me blankly for a minute, then looks around at the other characters. They all shrug at her."
    That's cute.

    4 year vaccinations? Hmm. We don't have those. I guess that must be the DaPTP, MMR. We do those around 5.

    Must run!

  2. My characters ARE like that! They interact with me and each other.

    Yes, the vaccinations were the DaTP, MMR, and Polio boosters. She doesn't have to have any more shots until she's 11!

  3. Anonymous12:50 AM

    >>Ya know, a couple of comments here and there would be cool. I'm just sayin'. {g}<<

    Now, now, don't get too excited here. *g*

    I'm in complete sympathy with your revisions--am doing much of the same myself in these days. (Though yesterday I got to write a new scene; that was fun.)

    /Sara E.

  4. Sara:
    A new scene? Woo-hoo! I've got a few of those waiting for me, and I'm definitely looking forward to them.

    What was your new scene about?

  5. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Wow, you've been busy while I've been away! I was offline completely last week for spring break, and am just starting to get caught up. Good job with the blog.

    Your vaccination schedule is slightly different from ours. Isabelle had that booster when she turned five, and they're just now scheduling it at school for the kids who haven't had the so-called "kindergarten booster" yet.


  6. Great to see you back, Kathy! I hope you had a great spring break.

    I guess Canada has a different vaccination schedule, then? That's interesting. As long as they get them all, I suppose it doesn't matter exactly when...

  7. Anonymous1:05 AM

    >>A new scene? Woo-hoo! I've got a few of those waiting for me, and I'm definitely looking forward to them. <<

    I do enjoy the creating part better than the revisions (though those are fun too), but I'd look forward to them more if I was also in the more-words-is-good situation. *wg* I'm past 150 k at present... But I'll do a ruthless edit once I finish with these revisions, hopefully that'll take it down a bit.

    >>What was your new scene about? <<

    Well, I made a really detailed map (as opposed to my previous hazy sketch) after I finished first draft and it turned out I had some logistics to work out *wg*. Such as rivers. In this case, a well guarded river. But the sorcerer-elf she's with got to use some cool magic (which of course failed) so he was happy. My mc, recipient of said magic, was less pleased, it being the gut-wrenching kind.

    /Sara E.

  8. Sara:

    [My mc, recipient of said magic, was less pleased, it being the gut-wrenching kind. ]

    This sounds intriguing! {s}

    As to word count--well, some of us struggle to add, some of us struggle to cut. It all works out in the end, I guess.
