Monday, April 24, 2006

Monday, Monday

Ahhh, back after a nice weekend. Well, not consistently nice weather-wise; Saturday was nearly 70 degrees and sunny, and Sunday was 35 and snowy. {sigh} But the cold periods are getting shorter...though they make me grumpy, I can deal. We had fun anyway.

I'm not sure how the writing schedule is going to work this week. I have all sorts of personal/social things to do for lunches, so I'll have to do unusual things to fit it in. I shall do the best I can, that's all I can do, though, right?

I'm listening to jazz classics right now and feeling mellow and coo-el. However, I am out of coffee and have no chocolate in my desk, so these things must be corrected for everything to be truly right in the world. Skittles, while Easter-y, are NOT the same thing as chocolate by any stretch.

I think that's it for now. I've noticed that Monday posts tend to be rambly and without purpose. Kinda like Mondays? I think it takes me a day to get into the groove...

Medieval Word of the Day: loreless: without learning or knowledge. Hey, I bet you know somebody who is loreless, don't ya?


  1. Anonymous2:57 PM


    Crazy weather, eh? It's nice and about 70 here. Loooove it!


  2. It is sooooo friggin' cold today, I am quickly losing my cheeriness about it. But it was 70 or so on Friday last, and is supposed to be again by this Friday. Very freaky.


  3. Anonymous6:16 PM

    I froze my butt off walking to work this morning - thank god they hadn't turned the heat off in my work building!!

    Hope you got your chocolate fix!

  4. Et tu, Julie? {g}

    I did get chocolate. Once the bug hits, it cannot be denied. {serious face}



  5. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Hi Susan,
    Don't think about the cold. Concentrate on other things. The squeal of a four year old as she sees her mommy. The tenderness of a husband's lips on dry hands. Feel better?

  6. Carol:

    I do feel better! But then it's also 50 and sunny today. {g}

