Thursday, April 06, 2006


Update: behavioral issues are much improved, at least for today. Yee-haw. It is currently snowing/slushing, but what do I expect in Montana in April? And last but critical to my state of mind, I just ate two delicious donuts, free of charge. Yummmm.

I did get some good work done on TMT yesterday; blazed through Chapter 11 and halfway through 12. As I suspected, I write villain scenes _much_ better than love scenes, or well, anything else, really. Give me a good villain--and I have a few doozies--and I'm set. Hopefully the next book will have several to choose from. {s}

I'm currently reading an ARC of The Historian, somewhat laconically, and am considering giving it up. It's just not captivating. Sure, there's occasional death by vampire, but there's also an awful lot of travelogue (something I've never liked, personally). I also feel rather hit over the head--I can see the plot a mile away, and I wish she'd just get TO IT. I think I'll give it another chapter or so, but then it's going to go away if it doesn't pick up. Has anyone else read this one? What did you think?

Medieval Word of the Day: gnoff: A churl, boor, lout.


  1. Anonymous11:36 AM

    I haven't read it. It doesn't appeal to me, somehow.

    Glad to hear the behaviour issues are better. What sorts of problems has she been having?


  2. Kathy:

    Well, let's put it this way: the preschool teacher, who has more than 16 years of experience, said she is THE most strong-willed child the teacher had ever seen. {cough}


  3. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Well, she is your child. *g*

    I'm guessing she's probably one of the brightest children the teacher has ever seen, too. It seems those two things usually go hand-in-hand.


  4. Kathy:

    LOL. Not sure whether to thank you there or not. {g}

    Yes, the discussion of intelligence and aptitude for learning did come in there too. You're pretty close on that score...


  5. Susan! Here you are! I have missed your energy. How's the rewrite process coming? Have you started re-submitting?

    Sorry to hear about the trouble with your headstrong lass. My eldest is like that. And it seems my youngest is following his footsteps. I wish you luck and gobs of patience.

    Sara *happy dancing because Susan finally has a blog!*

  6. Hi Sara! Great to see you over here!

    Rewrite is slow, but going well. I'm not quite halfway through. No sending it out again until I'm all done, then read it through AGAIN {sigh} and have another couple readers go over it. I'm not sure when that will be, but whenever it's ready.

    Thanks for the gobs of patience! I needed that. How's your writing coming?


  7. I'm with you, sister. I'm in the beefing-up stage after a major rewrite. :ob Though I'm tempted to send it out now, knowing how long the submission process takes, I'd rather wait until I've stuck a fork in it.

  8. Sara:

    It is SOOOO tempting some days, isn't it? {sigh} But I know better in the long run.

