Monday, April 10, 2006

Spring and the Pricker

It snowed again last night. But my daffodils and tulips are almost 2 inches high now, poking their green heads out of the ground for a peek, so I know the warm weather is coming. Actually, it was 56 and sunny yesterday, so I'll admit the snow this morning was a bit of a shock.

It was a busy and fun weekend. I worked a trade show and we attended S's preschool Spring Fling, complete with an Easter bunny, Easter egg hunt, and face painting. A good time was had by all.

I got some great work on TMT done on Friday, and I have an actual new scene to write today, with Richard AND Thomas together, and lots of lovely historically accurate details about building a cathedral. (mantra: deeper, richer, more historical references! Of course more conflict is good too.)

My favorite bit from the part I just re-worked:

From The Murderess's Tale, Copyright 2006 by Susan Adrian, All Rights Reserved

It was Thomas. The shade of Thomas—he did not carry a light, and I could not make out more than the black shape of him, and a few glints of firelight on his cinnamon hair. He stepped forward. Now I could see his face, fixed on the bed. On me. He threw off his cloak and dropped it on the floor, taking another step.

I caught the pungent scent of ale mixed with something else, like rotten fruit. Spirits. He was drunk. I could see it now, in the way he wavered, the way his shadow-shape swung slightly, back and forth. In the glitter of his eyes.

His belt landed on the floor with a smack. Suddenly I understood his intent. He meant to take me, now. Regardless of reputations, marriage, Papa—or my willingness. Take my maidenhood tonight, and be done with it.

I wanted him to.

Isn't that a cool snip? I've always liked that image. Now if I could just get everything to hang together better...

Medieval Word of the Day: pricasour: A quick rider, (or perh.) a huntsman: cf. PRICKER


  1. Thanks, Vic! I won't tell you what happens after that. {eg}


  2. Anonymous6:09 PM


    I _do_ like that one!

    Nice writin'!


  3. Thanks, Rose!! Of course you've read that bit before. {s}


  4. Anonymous3:11 PM


    Yes, I have, and I liked it even better the second time. {s}

