Wednesday, May 10, 2006

A stuffed head...and not like Samson

I think I'm getting a cold.

You know that very, very early bit of a cold, when your head feels like it's stuffed with cotton, when you keep trying to pop your ears, and your throat glands are swollen? You don't have a cold YET, but you know it's coming, and there's nothing you can do about it. {sigh} Well, Child has had a cold for nigh on a week, so I can't say I'm surprised.

Maybe I'll write a scene someday where the character has a cold. I'll save that for contemporary, though, not historical. Everyone knows that in historicals characters only get fevers or life-threatening mysterious illnesses. (kidding!)

Anyway, due to aforesaid stuffiness I'm feeling kinda blah and wishing I could take a nap--at 9 AM. I'll just keep sipping this Odwalla Strawberry C-Monster and hope for the best...

Medieval Word of the Day: chilindre (or chylindre, chylindere): A kind of portable sun-dial of cylindrical form used in early times. (Like an early watch?)


  1. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Oh, dear. Hope it's over quickly. Do you drink ginger & honey tea when you're sick? I got hooked on that the last time I got a cold, when I was expecting Kori and couldn't take anything else. Now I drink it when I'm feeling tired and sorry for myself, too. :o) We have to take our comfort where we can, but I am planning to have a glass of wine soon, maybe this weekend. Mmmm.
    Anyway, back to laundry and defrosting the freezer while the girl-child is sleeping. And I've been trying to write in between, too. It isn't going well today, I think I'll switch to a different WIP. Sigh.
    Take care of yourself!

  2. Thanks, Cindy! Now feeling cold and hot at the same time. Great. {sigh}

    Hope you got some good work in! Now defrosting the freezer just sounds like procrastination of writing...


  3. Anonymous2:16 PM

    "defrosting the freezer just sounds like procrastination of writing..."

    Actually, it hasn't been done since we bought the house - six years ago. There's a little perpetual puddle in one spot in front of the fridge, and it's been there for about four months now. I just got tired of getting my sock wet, all of a sudden...

    Have got some good work done, though. Switching WIPS worked!


  4. Anonymous5:29 PM


    Hope you get to feeling better soon - there's nothing worse than a spring cold, when it's nice out and you want to be out, but you're home sick instead.

    Man, you lists from yesterday is making me re-think my story in my head! Hope I can manage to keep the tension going in my WIP!!


  5. Try airborne! Hurry!

    V (who just did the cold thing)

  6. Julie:

    I'm glad the tension post was useful, at least in working the ol' brain. That's why I like to write posts like that occasionally; they make me think.

    The cold is chugging on. {sigh}

