Monday, May 08, 2006

Top Ten

Top Ten Highlights of My Weekend, in no particular order (a list that will never make David Letterman):

1. The cannoli I scarfed at Johnny Carino's in Bozeman. A little sugar-bomb, but scrumptious. Oh, and the leftover one I scarfed last night.

2. Seeing my daughter giggling like a mad-child on the dragon rollercoaster at our local carnival. She wanted to go all by herself, and she LOVED it. Went 5 times. Plus she went on the airplanes, the cars, the spinning bears, the ferris wheel, the merry-go-round...

3. The concert hubby and I went to last night. The group is called German Brass, 10 amazing brass players who played everything from Bach to Swing to South American folk songs. Oh My God, they were good. And funny too! If you like brass at all, go buy one of their CDs; we're buying at least two. (To buy them in the U.S. or Canada, go here, through Canadian Brass.)

4. Walking to the car with hubby after the concert, holding hands.

5. Playing with the Child with the hand water-pump at the museum (that pumps real water!), over and over and over and over.

6. The new Tommy Hilfiger mules I bought for work. Woo-hoo. I am usually so not into shoes, but these are CUTE.

7. Play rehearsal yesterday, when I found out that my part is "the comic relief".

8. The moment during the brass concert last night when my mind started drifting toward Book 2, and I realized that I really could put a trumpeter scene in there somewhere, and it would sound just like that.

9. The 10 minutes or so in bed yesterday when the Child climbed up and started giving us animal kisses (here's a butterfly kiss, here's a starfish kiss, here's a penguin kiss).

10. The rib tips/loaded baked potato/corn-on-the-cob/corn muffin lunch. Mmmmmmm.

I guess this shows pretty well the things that are most important in my life. My daughter, my husband, writing, music, and FOOD. Plus occasionally shoes.

Medieval Word of the Day: toomhead: Emptiness, vanity. over tomehed, uselessly, to no purpose.


  1. I love a woman who has her priorities straight! Sounds like a wonderful weekend.

  2. Vic:

    It was! Oh, and I forgot another important thing: my FRIENDS! (duh)

