Monday, October 02, 2006



The GRE is over, and I survived. I scored just as high as I needed to on math (thank God) and did fine on the verbal. I'm just glad I can stop studying fractions and square roots in my spare time, and bring out the calculator again when needed.

After the test Hubby and I treated ourselves to a live taping of Garrison Keillor's A Prairie Home Companion, which we've been listening to on the radio for years. It was fabulous; I loved every minute. (If you want to hear the broadcast we attended and learn more about Missoula, Montana, go here!)

Thanks for commenting with your 3 good things/3 bad things! It seems we have a few trends on the things we dislike about ourselves: worrying (except for Mrs. Mitty, who doesn't worry enough! Want some of mine?), procrastination (I could've added that one too), impatience, being self-centered. And one of the most common things we like about ourselves? That we love and care for other people well. I happen to think that's maybe the most important trait in life, so we're all doing well. {s}

One of my favorite comments was Kathy's, "I'm a good listener." That dovetails in perfectly with my datebook planner quote for the day: "The secret to friendship is being a good listener." This is something I need to work on, listening instead of interrupting. For those who will see me at Surrey, remind me of this as necessary! {g}

I'll be doing a Surrey post sometime this week. But that's enough for now; work to attend to!

Medieval Word of the Day: forhight: To promise not to do, enjoy or practise (something); to renounce.


  1. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Congrats for living through the GRE :)

  2. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Yes, congratulations, and double-yay on passing the Math component! (Math has always been the bane of my existance.)

    Yeah, on that worry thing...sure, if you can figure out how to transfer it. {g}

    Off to check out the Big Sky Country (or part of it, anyway). :)
