Tuesday, November 14, 2006

My Tuesday is Monday

Back at work today--little one is at least slightly better. As I have grad school classes today, there was no chance of staying home in any case.

The weather was absolutely nasty this morning, with heavy winds whipping snow all over the place, but it's sunny and calmer now. Well, at least it looks nice from my windows. {s}

I got some good work done on Book 2 yesterday, and am excited about getting back to it today. And (yay, yay) I get to pick up a reference book ("The History of Medieval Spain") I ILL'd from the library. I need some fact confirmation of where the heck people were when, and I'm hoping this will help with that. And two more books that are on the way.

I'm letting myself do more of a real first draft this time, trying not to worry too much about cleaning it up. I don't even know which of these scenes will stay yet, so it seems a little silly to polish them to perfection. We'll see how this approach works!

Medieval Word of the Day: warderere: Look out behind! (yes, the exclamation point is in the definition. {g})

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