Thursday, December 21, 2006

Happy happy ramblings

Good morning, my friends!

I am so in a good mood right now. Bing is singing "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" on my computer {melt}, I get to go out for a few hours in the middle of the day today to attend Child's preschool Christmas party (and hear her sing!!), and I only have one more day of work after this.

No, not forever. But for quite a fair stretch. We of course have Monday off for Christmas, and then on Tuesday we head out for the Warm Lands for a week. I don't know yet if we're taking the computer, but even if we do I doubt I'll blog much. So after tomorrow, you're on your own for a while. Talk amongst yourselves. Topic: "Is it necessary, in today's market, for female MCs to be strong from the first page? Discuss." {g}

In other news, I just agreed to be part of a fledgling project here in my town, a collaboration between visual artists and writers. Each writer submits a very short piece of writing or a poem, and the visual artists each select one and create a work of art inspired by it. Likewise, each visual artist submits a piece and the writers select one and write something inspired by the art. At the end there is a show, where each artist and writer has two pieces displayed. Cool, eh? I'm looking forward to it.

Anyway, gotta get to work for a bit now. If you're taking off somewhere, have a wonderful holiday!!!

Medieval Word of the Day: festive: Of or pertaining to a feast; such as befits a feast.

1 comment:

  1. Have fun in the Warm Lands, a Merry Christmas, and a peaceful holiday!
