Wednesday, January 24, 2007

My card? Why yes, of course

Just to clarify, yesterday's post was primarily a joke. I do get burnt out on research periodically; it's part of the process. But I'll write a short story to clear the system (I already have one working in my head) and I'll be all good. I'm not really that pitiful! {g}

On to new diversions. I love this:

Isn't that cool? I made it here. I may keep a small version of that on the blog, I like it so well. I am a word, book, and library geek.

The free books--Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife and The Birth of Venus--are going out today.

And back to the

Medieval Word of the Day: poustie: Power; spiritual power; might; authority.


  1. That's pretty cool

  2. Susan,

    How the heck did you get that to past into your blog? LOL. I've been trying for about 15 minutes and nothing is working. (g)


    P.S. Got the book today! *woohoo* Thanks!

  3. Jen:

    Whooops, just saw this post. Did you get it to work? I had to save it to my computer and post the image from there...

  4. Susan,

    AHA...that was enough to get it to work. LOL. I'm so computer illiterate. (g) Thanks!

