Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Vacation Wrap-Up

We're back!

Ah, it was a grand vacation. We hung out together, ate out a lot, soaked up the sun, and visited some of our favorite places. I only have a few minutes to post, so I won't do a detailed recounting. But here's a list of a few of the haunts we managed to get to:

--The beach, but of course. Child made mud pancakes, ran in and out of the waves with me, chased seagulls, and gooshed with her toes. Heaven.

--Sea World. A little crowded (after Montana, everything is crowded!), but we had a good time. My favorite: we went on New Year's Eve, and Santa was there on vacation, beach chair and all. Child loved it.

--The Science Center, which we visit primarily for the KidZone.

--The luverly park next door to the Science Center. We spent a lot of time there this summer, and it was fun to go back and just let Child run around and play on all the swings and various kid things.

--The Stephen Birch aquarium. This is right near the hotel, so we always must go there. Wonderful aquarium, if you've never been.

--Fin's Mexican Eatery. Twice. Mmmmmmmm.

--Chuck E. Cheese. Because we've never been, and we've seen ads on TV and all. I had to laugh when Child admitted that she hadn't thought it was a real place, but a cartoon. She had a ball, and so did we.

--Spicy Thai food with other grown-ups, for an adult-only dinner with old friends while the kids played together (the other couple's kids are 14 and 11). Nice.

--Our old apartment. We walked through the complex, and it gave me an eerie sense of deja vu. You can never go home again and all that, and I wouldn't want to, but that IS the place we brought our baby home to. For that reason it will always be special.

We were pretty tired out yesterday, as we had a 6 AM flight from San Diego, which meant getting up at 4. {yawn} I think I'm almost caught up now. Now I can start to read through all those books I got for Christmas!

Medieval Word of the Day: piggin: A (small) pail or similar vessel, esp. a wooden one with one stave longer than the rest serving as a handle; a vessel of this sort used as a milking pail. Also: a (wooden) drinking vessel; a scoop or ladle consisting of a can with a handle on the side; a lading-can.

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