Thursday, February 15, 2007

Tag: 5 things

Hey! Right after I posted I saw Diana had tagged me. So 5 little-known facts about myself, eh? I don't know how "unknown" these are to my blog readers, but here ya go:

1. I was, for a brief period, a professional ballet dancer.

2. I have a thing for dangly earrings and pretty watches. Really the only girly things I wear.

3. I believe in ghosts and have had several paranormal experiences. I don't talk about those much because people think I'm crazy enough already.

4. I have an autograph somewhere from Dorothy Hammill.

5. I can flip a goat to check its teeth.


  1. #5? Should I even ask? There are no words.

  2. Chris:

    LOL! I was going to explain, but figured it was more mysterious this way. In the same category, though: I can name all the U.S. grades of beef, in order of quality, in 2 seconds. {g}

  3. Please tell me you farm! lol

  4. Chris:

    LOL! Okay, no, I don't farm. But I used to be an Animal Science major, once upon a time.

  5. Well, now that makes. At least, you don't have some weird goat fetish.
