Monday, March 12, 2007

Busy busy

This was an odd weekend--I was out and about doing stuff all over the place, and hardly saw hubby at all. {frown} However, it was all good stuff:

--Took Child to a birthday party, and spent most of the time hanging out with the cool group of parents, drinking red wine (yes, we all were) and eating whatever was put in front of me. Oh, and assisting with the Dora adventure, painting, and lunches as need be.

--Went to see a local production of Bye Bye Birdie--and they blew my socks off. Small theatre, all local people, but they did a fabulous job.

--Went to a writing class with Patricia Briggs (latest book is Blood Bound) Friday and Saturday nights. A lot of it was a bit on the basic/beginner side, but she was a kick to talk to, and she had some good insights. And how cool that we have a NY Times Bestseller in our little town!

Sunday night we made an error in judgment, and gave in to Child's request to buy her a copy of Disney's Peter Pan. She'd seen it last summer at a friend's house, and I had good memories of it, so we thought it would be okay.

Ack. Sooooo many things in that movie that I really would rather she didn't see. Hubby and I first raised our eyebrows when Tinkerbell was bemoaning the size of her hips. Then came the bumbling, idiot dad figure who no one listens to--we really try to avoid that stereotype. Then Captain Hook shoots a guy for no reason, and John says that "Injuns" are "cunning, not intelligent", and do I really need to talk about "Why the Red Man's Red?"

Sheeesh. As hubby said, "A lot of things have changed since that movie came out, for the better." We did let her watch the whole thing, but I'm thinking one day this week we might have a talk about Native Americans....{shaking head}

In writing news, with all the other stuff I was unable to write over the weekend, though I kept trying. I am itching itching itching to get back to it today. Got about 2000 words on Thursday and Friday, so we'll see how well I do today. Hurrah!


  1. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Went to see a local production of Bye Bye Birdie--and they blew my socks off. Small theatre, all local people, but they did a fabulous job. I'm glad you came, and enjoyed yourself! It was a blast to do, and if I say so myself, Sunday was our best performance, largely in part to the fact that we had a kick-butt audience!

    Went to a writing class with Patricia Briggs (latest book is Blood Bound) Friday and Saturday nights. A lot of it was a bit on the basic/beginner side, but she was a kick to talk to, and she had some good insights. And how cool that we have a NY Times Bestseller in our little town! That is so cool! I just dont' know where to look to find out about cool stuff like that!


  2. Julie:

    You gotta keep up with the Standard stuff, and Lively Times. {s} You couldn't have come anyway, though, as you were performing. You guys really did do a great job!

  3. Suze,

    We let our girls watch Peter Pan too. We kind of think of it as an opportunity to educate, yanno?

    Funny you should mention the bumbling father. DH has a real problem with that stereotype. It's everywhere, isn't it?


  4. Rose:

    Once you notice it, the bumbling/inept father stereotype is pervasive. And it sucks.

  5. Susan,

    Yes, Peter Pan has all the issues you pointed out. But I watched it growing up. I didn't remember Tink measured her hips. I didn't grow-up prejudice against Native Americans. And Disney still does the clueless parents. I NEVER for one instant ever equated John Darling with my dad. Is it possible she could just enjoy the magic of it and not have the sterotypes stick. I didn't. Did you?


  6. Jass:

    I don't _think_ the stereotypes stuck in my case, but I still don't like them being presented as normal. But I did let her watch all the way, and mentioned a week later (yesterday) about the Native American thing, tying the discussion in to what she learns in school. We didn't get into the bad-dad stereotype, and I wouldn't even mention the hips. She probably didn't even notice that part, so why call attention to that?
