Friday, August 10, 2007

And on and on and on...and stop!

Self discovery: I get very cranky trying to hold scenes in my head all day. Occasionally I mutter them to myself, to make sure I remember them. This probably makes me look insane.

I may be to the end of the headlong rush of words (10,500 words in one week!), just because I'm to the bit where I don't know what happens, how to wrap up one of the plotlines. I had an idea this morning, but I don't know yet exactly how it will work, so I'm going to have to pause to brainstorm it out. I don't expect a very long pause, though. {g} I don't want to stop.

On the other hand, sometime soon I'm going to need to get some real sleep not interrupted by excited thoughts about Jenna. {YAWN}

Whadjya eat? I keep forgetting this. Last night: we ordered pizza. {s} The night before, I made Parmesan Turkey cutlets, which is basically thin turkey slices dipped in an egg/parmesan/basil batter and fried. Can't find the recipe at the moment...


  1. Hi Susan,
    Sound like you are on a roll now, well done you.
    What is your book about and how long have you been writing for?

    Best wishes

  2. Hi Annie! Welcome to my place of ramblings!

    The book is currently title The Weirdest Thing about Jenna, and it's a YA fantasy. Kind of. :) I'm not talking about it much more than that in specifics until I'm done at least with the first draft and some planned revisions, just because it's shifted a few times. I will share as it gets more settled.

    Thanks so much for your interest!


  3. Annie:

    And I just went and saw your blog--and your family is from Whitby? Wow. The story is that some of my family are from Whitby too, though I don't have access to all that stuff at the moment. My last book (unpublished) was set partly in Yorkshire. {s}
