Monday, September 10, 2007

Update (yes, I'm alive)

There. Plot revision done. I cut about 7500 words, and added about 5300 new ones back in. That's about 10-12% changeover, and hopefully all for the better. Yay!

Next up: language draft. I expect this one to be a lot easier for me than plot changes--it just will involve going through the whole thing (again) and polishing the language. Taking out repetition, changing up cliched or old phrases, making sure descriptions are clear and fit with the characters. This is the type of editing I usually do, so I'm more comfortable with it. Plot revisions are Not As Much Fun. I have 10 days to accomplish the language draft changes to make my goal of sending it to readers on September 20th. Then I plan to gnaw on my nails until I get comments. :)

We had an excellent weekend. First home football game of the season for the college we both work for, which is a big deal! Sadly we lost, but it was fun. Yesterday I alternated between playing Fish Day with Child (don't ask me, she announced that it was Fish Day and we were supposed to read fish books, play fish games, and dress up and act like fish...) and doing actual house and yard work.

Oh, I'm sorry. I should've given you a warning before I said something so shocking. :)

Anyway, I have to go to class in an hour and one of my authors just called, so must go work. Later!

Whadjya eat? Steak, scalloped potatoes, squash baked with butter and parmesan cheese. This week I've got to do something with the hundred or so apples we picked from our little tree...


  1. Hi Susan,
    You have been really busy. Congratulations on getting so much accomplished. It sounds like you will be more than ready for Surrey. Go get 'em.

    Would you be interested in trading some apples for citrus? (s) Our trees are bending low.

  2. Thanks, Carol! I'm not stopping until I'm done. :)

    I'd love some citrus. But the shipping might make it all a bit silly. {g}

  3. Hi Susan!

    I still check in now and again, quietly cheering on my writer-buddies even though I'm not writing now at all. (sigh) I got tired of beating myself up about it, I just have to focus on this other stuff (job, family) right now. Nothing I can do about it at the moment. I'll get back.

    In the meantime, you continue to be an inspiration! Keep up the great work, can't wait to hear how you make out with Jenna.

    mmm. Squash.

  4. Cindy:

    You'll get back to it. Life doesn't wait for writing. {s}

    Thanks for checking in with me! I'm keeping on...
