Tuesday, April 22, 2008


In case you thought I was kidding about the winter weather...

These are icicles outside my window. We are very very careful walking around these buildings right about now...


  1. So sorry to see the gigantic icicles you're still getting! We had a spell of sleet this past Saturday afternoon, so I understand the disappointment of having a lingering winter.

  2. So beat me, but I'm just barely getting to the point where I think we've had enough winter. And yeah, we got twelve inches last Thursday, which melted completely on Friday. We're just like you--hot (in the 60s), then cold, then hot.

    This is the first time I've ever lived with snow, and I love how different it can be. Winter snow is dry, while this Spring stuff is sopping wet.

    Your photos are COOL--love icicles as well.

  3. Do not go outside without a hardhat!


  4. Steph:

    I won't beat you. I loved winter for the first 4 years as well. {eg}
