Thursday, April 10, 2008

Mood: Relaxed

Yesterday turned out to be a lovely chat-with-friends day. Is Tigger chatty? I'm not sure, but it was nice, no matter how you label it.

News: My most excellent friend Vicki Pettersson has a new message board! Check it out. She plans to hang out there often and be available for questions. How rocking is that?

I'm diving into revisions for GG today. I've got it all printed out, pencil in hand. First up: plot revision, wherein I fix all the stuff that changed over the course of the book, check character consistency, check the overall pacing and story. I read it through once, make notes and some initial changes, and then chart it out. This is the analytical stage, from the bird's eye point of view. I have to keep reminding myself--and I make big written notes to remind myself, because I need that--that this is NOT the language draft, and I am not to worry about language yet.

I still tweak it a little. But honestly I try to stay out of that part on this go-round.

Is anyone else working on revisions right now? Are ya with me? (hmmm, maybe I could write a post or two about revision process as I go through it this time.)

And now another photo for you, because I like sharing photos.


  1. Anonymous9:39 AM

    I'm working on revisions for a joint novel I'm writing with a friend. It's proving difficult, trying to arrange our schedules...

    I'm also working on revisions of a short story I wrote... I'd like to enter it into a writers workshop...

  2. Hi Susan,
    Ah, I do the same, but it do it hit and miss as I write. As the character develop and I spiral write, I go back and revise/edit as I write forward in another chapter. This gets long and tiresome sometimes. I think it's why I had such a hard time completing my current WIP (and still have 1/2 of that horrible scene to complete). Maybe I'll have to try it your way next time around. It sounds like the shake-up I need.

  3. I'm ALWAYS working on revisions. I'm pretty sure it was why I was put on this earth.

    That and to chauffeur my kids.

  4. Julie: Better you than me, my friend. I can't imagine trying to collaborate on writing a novel. I won't rule it out, but I can't imagine it. :)

    Amy: I wrote my first novel the way you describe, and it took mmmphmm years. This way I can do a draft in 6 months, and only 1-2 months to revise, usually. Much better for ME.

    M.G.: You know at some point you're going to have to stop and let it go out there, right? ;)

  5. I was ready to let it go out there the day Janet signed me. Figured if people thought it were godawful I'd just get me a pair of those glasses with the fake nose, a cowboy hate, change my name and move to Montana. But Janet had other ideas. Made me write an ending, give it a plot, stuff like that.

    She's sooo picky.

  6. cowboy HAT. Not hate. I don't hate cowboys. I think they're kinda cute.

  7. M.G. I don't hate cowboys either. Which is good, seeing as how I live in MONTANA and all. And you likely get to see a few here and there too...
