Sunday, May 11, 2008

A Mother's Day Good/Bad

Good: It's Mother's Day, which just makes everybody think about and appreciate the mothers in their life even more. I love my Mom. I LOVE being a Mom.

More Good: We played this morning, which I don't ever have as much time to do as I want. We made orange rolls.

Bad: Child felt a little squicky.

Good: We went swimming, and had fun splashing in the pool.

Bad: Child felt more squicky. Still insisted she was okay, though.

Good: We went to see the Duquesne University Tamburitzans, a wonderful folk dancing/singing/music playing group we've seen before and love. My Mom came too, and we ran into one of Child's best friends, so they sat together and giggled.

Bad: Child not feeling better. I made her mac & cheese, but sadly it was rather a lost cause at that point, and stomach virus took over. Poor thing. We spent the evening in the bathroom, and then wrapped up in a big soft blanket sipping sparkling water, nibbling graham crackers, and watching a Barbie movie.

Good: She's been asleep for a couple hours now, next to our bed. I'm so hoping she sleeps through the night and feels better in the morning. I HATE seeing my baby sick. {sigh}

We shall see about school/work in the morning, though I'm doubting it...


  1. Aw, man. So sorry about Child's illness -- nothing is worse than seeing your baby sick. Hope she feels better real soon.


  2. Sorry to hear about the sickies. I hope she's over it soon (and that you don't catch it, too!). I was up most of the night, too, with a child who napped from 4 pm until 11 and then decided it was time to get up and party.....

  3. Poor thing! Hope she feels better soon.

    And Happy Belated Mother's Day!

  4. Linder: Thanks. She's much better already!

    Julianne: Aw, yuck! Hope you can get some sleep today!

    Kelly: Thank you--fortunately it seems to be much better today. Yay. We're making crowns right now. :)
