Tuesday, August 19, 2008

That's better.

A much better horoscope today:

You're going to shine today, and everyone will be unanimous in their praise of you. Don't start blushing when people keep going on and on about how smart and helpful you are -- just soak it in! This is the start of a very positive phase for you and your people.

Yeah, baby. Me AND my people. And since if you're reading this blog you're one of "my people", it's a positive phase for you too! Go us!

Actually it IS a very positive phase around these parts just now. I'm well on track to finish my revisions on deadline, which is Friday. Work is just the right amount of busy to be fun. I...er...kind of stopped the thesis work again while I was crunching on deadline, but I WILL pick that up again next week. At least I've made some good progress.

And we've been having some fun. We drove to Idaho this weekend for a friend's wedding, and it was absolutely gorgeous. I've only driven through a corner of Idaho before, so I had no idea of the spectacularness (yes, that is a word now. My word.). And the wedding was perfect and full of happy tears.

And...if I'm a good girl and get my revisions in...we get to go to Yellowstone this weekend. Yay!!


  1. You are SO smart and helpful.

    Just thought I'd mention it. No reason...


  2. LOLOLOLOL. See, I'm not blushing!

  3. That's odd... I was just about to send you a facebook message going "Dear Susan, you are so wise... what other talks shall I go to on Surrey Saturday?" :)

  4. Chandra: LOL! Liar. I'll send you an email or message...

  5. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Dammit, I missed my window of praising you!
    *invents time machine*
    *goes back to Tuesday*

    Good luck with the revision! Ever since I saw Supervolcano I have been dying to go to Yellowstone. So I am super jealous of you.

  6. Courtney: I think I should lavishly praise you for inventing a time machine.

    I'm so looking forward to Yellowstone! Have never been. It's only for a weekend, but still...Old Faithful!

