Tuesday, September 16, 2008



Sunday was a big day in our household.

Child received her first-ever allowance. I've been meaning to do that for...oh, a year now, but hadn't quite gotten organized enough to do it. You know, chore list (negotiated, with style and format negotiated), allowance amount, schedule, all that type-A stuff. But she did her chores excitedly for a week, so she gets her scheduled $3.

What I wasn't expecting was her reaction, when I handed her three dollar bills from my wallet. She looked at the money, and got quiet.

"You need to make sure we have enough," she said.

I frowned, not understanding, and she looked up at me, big-eyed, serious. "The money that you and Daddy and I share, for all of us. You need to make sure we still have enough if you give me this."


Unselfish, thoughtful, worrying. Probably soaking up all this pervasive talk about a bad economy and money worries. This one worry, at least, I could fix. I hugged her hard, and told her we had enough, that we'd be fine.

I'm so lucky (a) that I can say that without question and (b) that I have a kid who would think about it, who would be willing to give it back if she needed to.

A little later that day, she lost her first tooth. There was great excitement, and bouncing, and showing of The Gap. The tooth was tucked in a special pillow for the tooth fairy, and the bounteous tooth fairy brought SIX gold dollar coins, one for each year of how old she is. (I know, I got a quarter too. It's inflation. We only have one kid. I couldn't help it.)

The next morning, she tried to give me three of those dollars. "Because," she said, "I have plenty."

I didn't take them. But Hubby and I decided last night that we'd talk to her about it--and if she wants to, she can take part of that first stash and give to others who don't have plenty right now. We do, when we can, and it's never too early to start.

I figure we have a choice. Squelch that natural generosity, and say "No, spend it all. You never have enough!" Or say "Yes, you're right. You do have plenty. Why NOT share? Let's figure out how we can share."

On a totally different note, I nearly peed my pants laughing at this cat video on Courtney Summer's site. Check out the evil stalker cat!


  1. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Great post about your daughter. She sounds like a special kid. Good question too about how, as a parent, do you instill the spirit of generosity into your child. Thanks for sharing.

  2. You're daughter sounds very mature for six. My boys would say when can we go to the toy store.

  3. Thanks, Mary-Frances!!

    Travis: She's six going on 30. But she's been like that since she was about 3. :)

  4. REALLY awesome post about a REALLY awesome kid. I love stories about the good things our kids do! Being a mom is by far my favorite job.

  5. Awwww. Adorable _and_ generous. What a great combination in a kid. {s}


  6. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Oh man. I totally sniffled when I read this entry. I can already tell your daughter is going to grow up and take over the world and the world's gonna be better for it. Aww. :)

  7. Awww! Brings back memories. Don't ya just love the Tooth Fairy?

    Just read the date of your post and realized while your daughter lost a tooth, my son got his first! ;-)

  8. Stephanie and Linder: Thanks!! She's a pretty awesome kid.

    Courtney: SHHH! Don't tell anyone yet about the takeover-of-world plan!! We're trying to be stealthy until she's at least 10.

    Kelly: I do love the Tooth Fairy. And surprisingly, losing teeth seems easier than getting them!
