Thursday, September 04, 2008

How I Spent my Vacation

I've been gone for pretty much a full week. The three of us headed off for our bi-annual vacation to our old haunt, San Diego. Awesome. Soul-filling.

Vacation by the numbers (because I'm secretly a stats geek, even though I hate arithmetic):

  • Hours spent at major theme parks: 15 (we opened and closed TWO!)
  • Rollercoaster rides, different coasters: 17
  • Buckets of seawater wrung from clothes, after "visiting" Shamu: 4
  • Live performances seen: 4
  • Number of times in front row for said performances: 4
  • Pairs of new shoes purchased: 6
  • Favorite restaurants visited: 7
  • Favorite places visited: tons
Beyond the numbers, favorite moments:
  • At the San Diego Symphony concert, watching Child enjoy the heck out of the Swan Lake piece, tapping her toes and bobbing her head.
  • Same concert, Child in my lap, watching fireworks go off over the bay and jumping at cannon blasts, to the 1812 overture.
  • Losing ourselves in the big tank at the Stephen Birch aquarium. We go there every time.
  • Touring the USS Midway, all of us listening avidly to info about the planes/ship.
  • Seeing The Merry Wives of Windsor at the Old Globe, in the front row, and having Falstaff plop himself 2 seats away from me, briefly, during the show. Walking out by myself and seeing the Balboa Park clock tower lit blue-green against the sky.
  • Swimming in the hotel pool together.
  • Child's glee at telling us all the riddles in her new riddle book.
  • Hanging out with Hubby and Child, without distractions, for almost a week.


  1. Anonymous1:45 PM

    There you are! Sounds like you had a great trip!!

  2. Anonymous4:20 PM

    My lack of vacation is totally jealous of your vacation, fyi. ! Sounds awesome.

  3. Wow, awesome. Good for you and the family. Those types of vacations are simply priceless. I hope you took a gob of pictures. BTW - my child LOVED getting soaked by Shamu last year. Isn't it great when your child gives you and excuse to be a a child again?
