Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tiara Day contest: pre-post with rules

Are you ready?(this is a waterlily tiara from Leigh-Anne McCague tiaras. Isn't it gorgeous?)

Tiara Day Writing Contest: RULES
  1. The contest will be open from midnight tonight (when it hits Friday, August 28, MST) to midnight the next day (when it hits Saturday, August 29, MST). All of Tiara Day.
  2. The prompt will be posted at midnight--it'll be a contest to write a 50-word complete story including certain words.
  3. All entries will be posted in the comments to the prompt. Emails must be included too, so I can reach you if you win!
  4. The contest entries will be judged by a distinguished and very sparkly volunteer panel, all of whom are barred from entering, much as they might want the prizes. :)
  5. Winners will be announced next week. We'll be looking for best story and most original twist!
Tiara Day Writing Contest: PRIZES

There will be two grand prizes, donated by Janet Reid and Suzie Townsend, both of FinePrint Literary (thank you thank you thank you!)
  1. A critique of the first 50 pages of your manuscript by Suzie Townsend, assistant/junior agent at FinePrint Lit. Suzie is fabulous--read an interview with her at The Blog Realm.
  2. A one-year subscription to Poets and Writers magazine.
You want to enter already, don't you? But wait, there's more. There will be three runner-up prizes, also donated by the lovely Janet Reid. BOOKS!

The Girl Who Played With Fire by Stieg Larsson

And Only to Deceive by Tasha Alexander
A Trace of Smoke by Rebecca Cantrell

Now you HAVE to enter. Right? And wear your tiaras?

Look for the prompt at midnight!

(I can't wait. This is SO fun)


  1. Ohhh how cool! *cracking knuckles in preparation*

  2. I am laughing SO HARD at the idea of actually being awake at midnight (or even 11:00 my time, which is still unlikely). But given my penchant for micro fiction, this is my kind of contest.

  3. Joanne and Annika: I look forward to reading what you come up with!!

    And yeah, *I* won't be awake either. But hopefully Blogger will.

  4. Susan,

    I couldn't really think of _anyone_ who can top Westerfeld. At least imho. :) Excellent post and definitely something we should all be striving towards!


  5. Awww, carp...wrong post. (g) Contest sounds like fun, too... May try to join in if I find some time. :)


  6. I'm not a judge so I can enter, right?

  7. Janet: Sure you can enter! Don't know if you want to win your own prizes, though. :)

  8. It won't let me post in the actual comments for the contest and it is 11:54 MST. I still have time according to the rules, so I must post here. Here it is.

    The old man ripped the tiara from his wispy hair. He yelled out hoarsely as it plucked a root from his scalp. The sparkly frame clattered against the tiled floor.
    “Emma!” he choked, pointing at his granddaughter. “I’ll no longer be the blasted princess… dadgummit. I should be the prince!”

    50 Words

  9. These were pretty good. I'm only sorry I missed it. Perhaps next time *waves, any bids adieu*
