Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Good news!

Today is a day of good writer-friend news that I can't help but share!

First, my great friend Victoria Schwab (who I got to hang out with *in person* a few weeks ago) just announced the sale of her book, THE NEAR WITCH, to Abby Ranger at Hyperion!

Watch her most awesome video announcement here. But come back--I'll wait.


Don't you have a smile on your face now? I THOUGHT SO.

Smile #2: Courtney Summers got her ARCs in the mail for Some Girls Are!! Better, she's giving one away!! Go and ENTER NOW. You want to read this book, I promise. (*I* want to read this book!)


  1. :)))))


    That is all :)

  2. Thanks for the link! Also, congrats to Victoria (Headed over there now). :D

  3. V: Aw, love you too, bb! And watch out, that smile will get stuck on your face. Oh wait, that's okay!

    Jenna: Always happy to link to good news. Also, fwiw, it freaks me out every time you post, as my MC in the book out under submission is Jenna. I've lived as Jenna in my head for a couple years now. :)

  4. Yay, Victoria! Great video announcement. You sparkle, girl! :)

  5. YAY for V! So happy for her. I said this on Scott's blog too but it's gonna be a good month for everyone.
    Thank you for the shout out, bb. Much appreciated. :)

  6. V and Courts: Always happy to share. You supply me with a stream of good news, you know. :)

    Suzie: YAY!
