Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tiddy bits

Randomness today:

  • The Angels didn't do so well last night. Boo.
  • I'm about to head out to the doctor to see if I have pneumonia...the cough from the swine flu has persisted for almost 3 weeks, and is getting worse! We shall see.
  • Conference info for the SCBWI 2010 Winter Conference in New York is UP! I'm going to be there. Are you?


  1. Yes! I'm think I'm going, too. Now I just have to find some cheap airfare...

  2. Suzie: HOORAY! I believe we have a date with mysterious cupcake shop, y?

    Ara: Awesome! I will see you there!

  3. I just booked my flights. Are you looking to share a room with anyone or already spoken for as a roomie? I'm thinking I'm going to snag one of those conference-rate rooms tonight, so let me know if you're interested in sharing, since I'd love to split the cost. : )

  4. Ara: Thanks! But I am already lined up. I think we're doing 4 to a room! I'm sure you can find somebody to hook up with, though!

  5. Probably so, just thought I'd ask. See you there! : )
