Thursday, November 19, 2009

Oh, hello, blog

I keep *thinking* of things I want to post, but Life is rather swamped just now. So it hasn't been getting any further than my head!

Mostly it's work stuff keeping me occupied, but there's also been concerts up the wazoo, social events, Girl Scout stuff (a city-wide "pinning" ceremony for Child last night--she is now a proud Official Brownie), writing (remember that vow last post), and the insanity that is keeping up with events. And, you know, watching the Finale of ANTM. (squee!) Whew.

HOWEVER, Dear Blog, I have some fantastic things coming up for you!

  • First up, around December 1st, will be an interview/giveaway with fabulous debut author Kelly Gay. Kelly not only is a great UF author--The Better Part of Darkness is blurbed by the superstar Vicki Pettersson, so it must be kick-ass--but she just sold a YA series!! Now she is my genre-sister. :)
  • Sometime in early December I'm also going to be hosting a guest blog by...drum roll...another Agent Fabulous, Joanna Stampfel-Volpe!
So stay tuned. If I'm being quiet in-between I'm probably writing or working, but don't go away!


  1. Yay for cool great guest bloggers!

  2. Ee! Great stuff lined up! And congrats to your daughter on becoming a Brownie!!! YAY! :)

  3. Suzie: indeed. :)

    Courtney: It is pretty cool! Thanks, bb!
