Thursday, December 17, 2009

Are you Ready for Another Contest??

You know you are!!

Joanna Stampfel-Volpe generously hosted a contest here with me last week, but she's decided THAT'S NOT ENOUGH. She wants to give away MORE to you guys!

This one is for some lucky kiddo--so moms out there, get on this! Joanna and I are giving away one copy of OTTO GROWS DOWN, a picture book by Michael Sussman.

From an Amazon review:

"Michael Sussman's first children's book is a humorous take on sibling rivalry and suitable for preschoolers and up. In the story, six-year-old Otto is celebrating his birthday when he gets upset at all the attention being given to his infant sister Anna. He wishes that she was never born and soon enough finds his wish coming true in the strangest manner - time moves backwards, and very soon, Anna is sent back to the hospital and Otto finds himself getting younger and younger. As he grows 'down', Otto begins to grow 'up' and learns the lesson of appreciating having a sibling." (reviewer z hayes)

Doesn't that sound cool?

This contest will be open a little longer, since we're all busy: until 8 am MST Monday morning. So you have all weekend to link, and get yourself more entries!!

  • For 1 point, post a comment below with at least ONE thing that makes you smile about any member of your family: sibling, child, spouse, parents, whatever. It's a celebration of what's good about families, even crazy ones!
  • An additional 1 point for tweeting OR Facebooking the contest
  • An additional 2 points for linking to this contest on your blog!
Contest will close at 8 am Monday, and we'll do a random draw. Ready? GO GO GO!


  1. One thing that makes me smile is when my 4yo gives me a thumbs up for something HE did. lol He puts lots of energy into that thumbs up too.

  2. I love the way my 4 year old hears words adn uses his version. Example: Jealousy = Jello Feet :)

  3. Well I have 4 children and I am always smiling. Not just 5 mins ago my middle son, came running in to show me his chicken sticker that doesn't loose it's stick! ROFL! And my baby son who is 4 was singing earlier "Ohh eh ohh ahha ching chang walla walla bing bang!" So I have smiles all day long!

  4. I RT'd your contest on twitter today

  5. My 3.5 year old son has started kissing me on the cheek instead of the mouth. I find it beyond charming and it ALWAYS makes me smile.

  6. I have a 4 years old niece who is so funny. She thinks she is a princess, and only likes pink clothes. Yesterday she make me smile while asking how was Santa supposed to come in her house without activating the alarm... xD

    +1: Twitter (@magabygc):

  7. I love this book! Can I still enter if I'm not going to give it to a child? I would definitely keep it for myself...

    My younger sister (13 years old) writes incredible stories that make our whole family not only smile, but rock with laughter every time we read them out loud. On the rare occasions that we can all be together, we will break out her notebooks and read the stories until we're all practically crying. It's one of my favorite things to do, and it always makes me smile.

  8. My thirteen year old daughter always tells people working in shops or restaurants to have a nice day or weekend. She's so polite, it makes me SMILE. :) I'm so lucky!

  9. +1 I love how my granddaughter makes me play barbies with her. She tells me what to say and the barbie's all have to dance together. She's going to be three years old in February.

    +2 Linked in my sidebar at

  10. My children and I love this book.
    I love that when my seven-year-old daughter gets excited about something, she whispers, "Yessssssss," as she grins, so now I find myself looking for a way to make her full of joy.

    I'm linking this to my blog:

    And I'm posting it on facebook.

  11. One thing that makes me smile is when my eight year old sings what he's doing to the tune of Iron Man (Black Sabbath)
    Going to retweet this and share on facebook.
    Will try to figure out how to link it on my blog:
