Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Let There Be Happy Dancing

I did it, I did it, I really really did it! *DANCING*

I beat my goal (December 31) and finished the first draft of SALVAGED today! Just now! WooHOO! Boy this draft is a DRAFT and will need a real major cleanup, but yeeHAW. I have a real end and everything!

So you want to know what this book is about? Don't you? Don't you? *happy grin* Here 'tis:

by Susan Adrian

Sixteen-year-old Annika (Annie) has never used a computer or a cell phone. She's never watched TV, slept in a real bed, or kissed anyone but Xander. Until now.

Annie's always lived in The Community, an ultra-environmental commune tucked in the canyons of San Diego, led by her idealistic, maybe-crackpot dad. What they can't grow or raise they salvage from the wasteful people of "the wild". You'd be amazed what you can find back of a restaurant. But Annie's sister Zilla runs away with Xander, and Dad sends her to drag them back.

To find them Annie has to venture into the wild by herself, into an alien culture of excess. When she crashes a company picnic she meets Bryan, a cute, rich boy who thinks she's homeless. She lets him think it, lets him help. All she needs is a couple days to get Zilla and Xander.

But once she finds them, Annie's not so sure she wants to return, much less force her happy-go-lucky, impulsive sister back under the strict Community rules. The wild is much more complex and captivating than she imagined. And there's Bryan, who's also just a tiny bit captivating. But if she doesn't bring them home soon, Dad will come after them himself. And the last time that happened...that's the one thing Annie won't let herself think about.

Can Annie be salvaged? Does she want to be?


  1. this sounds intense! I want to

  2. Congrats!!!

    I can't wait to hear more about it bb!!! So proud.

  3. Congratulations - that's such a good feeling.

  4. You did it! Congrat's!

  5. Wow...that sounds brilliant. Reminds me a bit of THE CHOSEN, but with more punch.

  6. Wow - love the concept - it sounds awesome! Way to go on finishing it!!

  7. I like this. You are quite the devious kiddo, turning the tree huggers into a flawed cult-like community.

    And Bryan sounds yummy.

    Woo-hoo! I'm on board.

  8. Cool. I want to read it now.

  9. Wow - what a twist. I like the "wild" being us "normal, civilized citizens" right?

    I'd buy this book!

  10. Eep! It posted as YARebels, but that's me up there bb ;p

  11. Oh, this sounds terrific! Congrats on finishing the draft! (Can I beta read, can I? Huh? ) :)

  12. Congrats!!! That deserves a bottle of champagne!

  13. Oooh, very dystopian. I so want to read that. Congrats on finishing the draft!

  14. Wow, very impressive! I love the plot...and of course I love the San Diego setting!! Can't wait to hear more.

  15. Melissa: yay! Exactly what I want to hear. :)

    Linder: You know you get to be one of the FIRST to read this puppy. Thx for all the support!

    V: HA. I did not know it was you, so thanks for saying! :) Love!

    coffeelvnmom: YES it IS. Thanks!

  16. Steena: I did! woot! Now to the heavy work. :)

    beth: I hope you eventually get to read & like it!

    Jule: Thanks! Glad you like!

    jmartin: Yay! Potential readers!

    Jeanie: YES. :) Thanks!

  17. Mardel: EXACTLY. Hee. It's been a real challenge to write (and still will be), but a v. interesting perspective.

    Kelly: Thanks! & I'll keep you in mind for beta!

    Deb: Or chocolate and coffee, at least. :) Thanks!

    Elana: YAY THAT YOU WANT TO READ!! woohoo!

    Cathy: Thanks! Yup. this one is all in CA, though up and down the coast some. Was nice to actually know the locations really well this time!

  18. Congratulations! What an accomplishment. And it sounds great.

  19. Susan--It sounds great! Best wishes with it in 2010...

  20. All right! Good for you for pushing through and finishing, Susan!!! Sounds like a great story, too. I can't remember--are you doing the writers' intensive day at the conference?

  21. Can't wait! :)

    (Word verification: sphinda. Is that like a sphinx version of me???)

  22. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Omg, this sounds so ~*SPARKLY*~ BB!!

    *is proud*

    Also...*cough* want to read *cough*.

    <3 <3 <3

  23. TerryLynn: Thanks!! Now I'm almost ready to start editing it. :)

    Sharon: Thanks! You too!

    Ara: Thank you. I'm excited about this one. And nope, I'm not doing the intensive, just the weekend!

    Linder: You know you'll probably be first. Well, you and Emily. ;)
