Friday, May 28, 2010

The best liar of the day is...

Laurie Lamb! Laurie, send your address to susan (dot) adrian (at) so I can bundle off your copy!

Thank you all for playing along! I had such fun reading these, and I had a tough time deciding. Honorable Mentions go to:

--Bill Cameron, Patrick Lee, and CKHB for their lies about Sean Ferrell and each other. Because everyone loves to lie about Sean Ferrell.

--Linda Grimes (bff) for starting it off and shamelessly pimping the contest all over twitter.

Jenna, Amy Jo, Karla, Morgan, Carina, Sterling, Charles, Kristin, Nikole, Scarlet, I loved reading yours!!

Why did Laurie's win?

Because I wished it was true. And the whole thing made me laugh. Here's her lie:

Susan Adrian has compiled a nude calendar featuring notable people from her writing/twitter world. Highlights include: Miss January—Janet Reid swigging gin while ringing in the new year, Mr. March—Jeffrey Somers with his pussy cats, Miss May—Suzie Townsend and her puppies frolicking through a spring meadow, Mr. June—a sweaty Bill Cameron showing off Skin, and Mr. December—a snow-covered Sean Ferrell looking NUMB. Get yours! On sale now!

The Bill Cameron and Sean Ferrell lines are brilliant. Congrats Laurie!


  1. Congratulations, Laurie! If I couldn't win, I'm glad you did. :)

    Even if I now have to buy my own copy of LIAR... *sighs heavily* (Are you feeling sorry for me yet?)

  2. Ah, hah hahahahaha, yes, that one is the best for sure! Though we can tell it's a lie because the Shark only drinks whisky. :)

  3. Oh that is good! Congrats! And thanks for the mention.

  4. Linda: Not really feeling sorry for you, no. :P

    Bill: Thought you'd like that one!

    Janet: Pretty good entries, eh?

    Nikole: you bet! Thanks for playing!

  5. Thank you, Susan. This was a fun contest. All of the entries were very entertaining. I can't wait to read LIAR!

  6. Everything said about me was true, except for the falsehoods.
