Monday, May 03, 2010

Spread the Awesome: Courtney Summers

This post o' love is part of a whole mess of blog posts, called Spread the Awesome--authors celebrating published books we adore. This project was started by the fabulous Elana Johnson. She has a list of all the participating authors and books they're celebrating here:

After you read about Courtney, please check out Heather Petty's blog for a discussion of Terri Farley's SEVEN TEARS INTO THE SEA.

But first, the purpose for my post.

It's funny, because within 30 seconds of Elana's email, I knew who I had to write about. It wasn't even up for debate. Yes, I love many, many authors and their books: a tiny list includes Melissa Marr, John Green, Vicki Pettersson, Justine Larbalestier, Suzanne Collins...TINY list. But when I think *amazing* books that are life-changing, that I can't stop talking about or recommending...well. Courtney Summers is right at the top of the list.

I may have talked about Courtney's books here before. *cough* It might be getting a little embarrassing. And YES, I am friends with her fabulous werewolf-hating, Gaga-loving self. I admit it. But that is not why I am so driven to pimp, my friends. Oh, no.

CRACKED UP TO BE not only grabbed me by the throat, it wrung it, knocked me down and kicked me in the ribs, and I still went crazy for the thing. It's So. Freaking. Real. It's so meaningful, and truth-telling about what high school and pressure and relationships and guilt really can be. I can just see my teenage self gulping it, feeling better because of it. Here, watch the book trailer.

And then I got to read SOME GIRLS ARE, and I thought there was no way it could be as good as CUTB. And I was totally right.

It was better. And worse, simultaneously. It was vivid and heartbreaking and honest to all sides of the story, and I almost couldn't breathe during some parts. Book trailer #1 for SGA here.

What Courtney does so very well is honesty, and clear-as-glass voice. Heroines you root for and kinda hate at the same time, but you can't stop watching them. Stories you cringe from, but recognize.

If you're a teenager or you were, read them. Seriously.




  1. sounds great! I cannot wait to check these out!

    Wonderful spotlight!! ;o)

    Visit My Kingdom Anytime

  2. ohhh LOVE it! Thanks for spreading the awesome and recommending a fabulous book!

  3. What a great idea!

    I totally agree with you about Courtney's books--they are the very definition of awesome. :)

  4. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Awesome post as always, Suze -- I couldn't agree more!! :D Courtney Summers is an author to watch!


  5. Hey fellow Suze. :D This book sounds incredible, I love your description of it grabbing you by the throat. =)

  6. Sounds like a must-read. Oh, High School. What have you done to us all?

  7. I'm totally putting this on my to-read list!! Thanks for spreading the awesome!

  8. This book sounds amazing and I'm so glad you wrote about it because I'd never heard of it. Thanks!

  9. Oh, these sound amazing...

    - Rebecca

  10. Wow, sounds like I definitely need to read these (and I feel kinda lame for not knowing about them earlier). Thanks so much for pointing them out. :)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Sorry! I was logged into the wrong e-mail. Let's try this again...

    I've really been wanting to read these! I have a feeling I'll love them as much as you do. : )

  14. I really want to read those books.

  15. Oh, these sound great - I bet my high school students would love them. :-)

  16. I've been meaning to check these out for it feels like a need! Great review! :)

  17. I love a story that grips you by the throat like that, even when it makes you cringe. Both of these sound moving and utterly delicious. Definitely worth taking a peek, I think. Fab review!

  18. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Great review, Susan!!

  19. I just picked this book up! Even more excited to read it now!

  20. I loved both books and can't wait for Courtney's next one. :D

  21. I definitely will be reading this one! Thanks!!

  22. I've heard about these for ages. Your review makes me wanna read them NOW!

  23. I simply adored Some Girls Are. I haven't read Cracked Up To Be yet, but you can bet I will.

  24. Wow, both books sound fantastic. I'm adding them to my list.

    Glad to find your blog through the spread the awesome list.

  25. Cracked Up to Be was Frawesome (freaking awesome). I can't wait to read 'Some Girls Are'!

  26. Loved Some Girls Are. Need to go get Cracked Up To Be now! :) Thanks so much sharing the awesomeness.

  27. Thanks for the great review and recommendation! I'll definitely look for this one :))
