Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Daily Walk Illustrated

I KNOW. I haven't posted in forever. It's not like I forgot about you--it's been an item on my to-do list nearly every day--and it's not like there hasn't been anything going on. July is festival month 'round here, so we've had 4th of July extravaganzas and the last year of the National Folk Festival, and piles of goings-on in between. I just haven't quite gotten to it.

Today, though, I started a little possible side project, and thought it would be fun to share with you.

Hubby and I had been going for walks pretty regularly in the afternoon, 1-2 miles a day...until we didn't anymore. He got busy, it was too hot, whatever. We stopped, and my clothes are starting not to fit again. Today I decided just to GO by myself, and along the way to indulge another craving I've been having: photography. Lately I see everything in still images, and I've been itching to take the good camera out for a run.

So my plan: go for a walk as often as I can, by myself or otherwise. Daily if possible. Bring the camera, and document interesting stuff. And post a few on the blog! Why not? It's exercise, creative, AND fun.

So here are a few pics from today's adventure, for your enjoyment! All copyright me, because I took them. :P


  1. Anonymous4:06 PM

    OH, I love the second one. Nice.

  2. What a lovely walk. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Great idea! And lovely pictures. I love the roses :)

  4. Great pictures. I listen to books while I walk. I'm trying for 2 20 minute walks a day, though some days it's been too hot.

  5. Looks like you have a great place to walk--enjoy! And keep taking those fantastic pics. :)

  6. So pretty. Thanks for sharing.

  7. I love this side project. It's nice to get a glimpse of other people's days. I adore the last two photos.

  8. Aw, you guys rock. Thanks for your support!! I adore that you all picked different photos you liked.

