Friday, July 30, 2010

Phase 2

...and the last couple days have been Illness, Phase 2. Both Child and Hubby came down with my virus at the same time. Fevers and the joys of stomach flu. So I was out of work again taking care of them...


STILL, both are nearly all better today, thank goodness. Just in time for Child and I to head out to the mother/daughter weekend Girl Scout camp we've been planning since April! It was touch-and-go there for a while, but I'm so happy we can go.

I'll be totally away from the internet for the duration, but hope y'all have a lovely weekend!!! See you next week, which I hope will be significantly more uneventful and more full of writing...


  1. Sorry to hear the virus struck you and loved ones down; glad to hear you're on the mend and off to Girl Scout Camp. Have fun!


  2. Glad Girl Scout camp was a go, and that everyone is well again. :)

  3. Hope you had fun. It's so important to do fun things with your kids.

  4. Deb & Linder: Yes, we made it through! Thank goodness.

    Natalie: It IS. I try to do as many fun things as possible. :)
