Tuesday, September 14, 2010

DUFF contest winner!

Wow, this was fun. Thanks so much for playing, you guys! I loved reading your entries.

(and sorry for taking so long to get this up--I haven't even been near a computer.)

 Best twist on the phrase DUFF: Lori W. I love "Damn Unexpected Fine Female Attention"!

Best owning of the term with attitude: Linda G. "Screw you, skinny friends. Enjoy your celery."

Best OUCH moments (and we've all known those, especially in high school): Mairead S., squinto, and Latoya Alloway. They all made me cringe.

Saddest by far: Deb. You're killing me, Deb! :)

LadyGenette, I loved "spaghetti-thin arms". Perfect!

Mandy: Day-am. Those are some mean girls!

And the winner, because it made me laugh out loud and I loved the twist:

Samantha Verant!!

Samantha, please email your mailing address to susan (dot) adrian (at) yahoo.com, and we'll get your copy sent off!!

Hope y'all had fun. I did!


  1. Thanks, bb. And congratulations to Samantha! :)

  2. yay! Yeah, mean high school girls... lol
    And congrats to Samantha!

  3. Yeah! Samantha. Congratulations. :)


  4. Sweet! Congrats Samantha!

  5. Thanks for hosting this, Susan. Fun = yes. And, congrats. to Samantha!

  6. Yay! I'm so psyched! I've been wanting to read Kody's book since she first posted pages on AW! Also, I live in France now...so getting books in English, well, there is only a limited selection at the bookstore. (Susan, I'm sending you my parent's address in the States. They're sending me a package here soon anyway). This was fun!
