Wednesday, November 03, 2010


AND THE WINNER IS, by random draw...LINDA GRIMES!!
This makes me laugh only because I think she's entered every one of my contests and never won. It had to happen eventually! :) Congrats, Linda!

To Kill a Mockingbird. Scout. Jem. Boo Radley.

Gregory Peck as the hot single-dad campaigner for justice.

Oh, I'm sorry, I got distracted for a minute. *shakes self*
Anyway. You loved the book and the movie, right? I even loved the play.

So imagine if you took the spirit of TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD--the hard, cold edge of justice standing up to powerful forces, the complexity of crime and personal relations in a small community--and you infused it into a YA novel? With excellent, turn-the-page writing and strong, breathing characters?

You'd have Daisy Whitney's debut novel THE MOCKINGBIRDS, which came out yesterday!!

I had the privilege to read this book a while back, and let me tell you, it's good. It's strong, and brave, and very different from the rest of the books out there on the shelves right now. And I'd like to share it with YOU.

To win a brand-new, shipped-to-your-house copy of THE MOCKINGBIRDS, all you have to do is comment below, with:

--your favorite scene from the book or movie of TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD 
--OR the reason you want to read this book!!

Contest will close Friday morning at 8 am my time, and I'll buy the book and ship it off to you. North American entries only, I'm afraid. (yes, Canada!)

You want to win? Want to see what everybody's talking about? GO!


  1. I just read the description of this on the author's website. It sounds so good! My favorite scene is the the last chapter with Boo Radley.I don't want to give it away for anyone who hasn't read it, but I thought it was very touching.

  2. My favorite scene from the movie is...well, any with Gregory Peck. (I KNOW. What can I say? He was hot.)

    Also, I want to read this book because you make it sound so awesome. (<--shameless sucking up)

  3. Hi Susan! This book sounds beautiful and brave. I've looked forward to it's release for a while.

    It's been years since I've read TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, but one part stands out so clear in my mind: Scout's fear before she knew what and who Boo Radley was. Branches scratching against windows.

  4. Hi Susan! I want to read Daisy's book because I've heard so many great things about it.
    My favorite Mockingbird scene was the one with the rabid dog. It was the whole movie to me, the fear and compassion mixed up in one.
    Thanks for hosting the contest!

  5. I love the scene ,as bad as it sounds, where the sherif concludes that the drunk fell on his knife (can't recall his name). The double edge sword of justice :)


  6. JUST ONE SCENE? All right, fine. I choose the one when Scout and Jem first find treasure in the hollow tree.

  7. i haven't seen the movie (shocking, i know. but really, i haven't seen many movies in general...)

    anyways, i've been hearing a lot of rumbling about this book and it's got me very excited to see what this book is all about. and frankly, i could use some more contemporary YA on my shelves.

  8. The line that sticks in my head is "Jean Louise, stand up, your father's passing."

    It's something like that. And it never fails to put a lump in my throat.

  9. I'd love to read this book because it sounds like a unique twist on date rape, such an important topic. And if I win, I'll have my 13 year old daughter read it. I want her to be aware and hopefully avoid terrible things like this.

  10. My favorite scene from To Kill A Mockingbird is at then end when Scout is on the porch of the Radley home. When she looks out at the neighborhood from the viewpoint of Boo. This idea of stepping inside someone else's shell for just amount, and getting a true sense of what they must hear, see, feel is very fascinating to me.

    I can't wait to read Mockingbirds.

  11. I want to read this book b/c I've heard a lot of people saying how good it is and I love reading YA!!

  12. I absolutely loved To Kill a Mockingbird when I was in school, and I love teaching it to my freshmen now as an adult :) My favorite part in the movie is when Scout says "Hey, Boo." It's so sweet.

    I can't wait to read The Mockingbirds and rave about it with my students. I know I'm going to love it. And teens need a novel dealing with date rape because it's an important issue to be familiar with. Great giveaway!

  13. Hi Susan! New follower here :D
    I haven't read or seen To Kill a Mockingbird, but I do want to read Whitney's debut, because I've heard some pretty neat things about it :)
    Hafsah @ IceyBooks

  14. My favorite scene from TKAM (the book) is when Atticus is sitting outside of the jail guarding Tom Robinson from all of the townsfolk who want to do Tom harm.

    Thanks for the chance to win.

  15. I remember watching the movie in high school and thinking Gregory Peck was the best thing since sliced bread. The courtroom scene is great, but so are all the scenes with him interacting with his kids. And he had GREAT glasses.

    And I'd love to read this book because I've seen all the mini-movies Daisy Whitney's put up on YouTube and they're really original. I love when authors do stuff like that.


  16. I love pretty much the entire TKAM novel. I love how Harper Lee took a real event and shaped a novel around it to say what she felt was the truth in the scenario. But I particularly love when Scout says that her father was "the bravest man in the world" because he did the right thing even when he knew it was a dangerous thing.

    I cannot wait to read The Mockingbirds - sounds like JUST the kind of book I like passing around to all my young and young at heart friends.!


  17. I love pretty much the entire TKAM novel. I love how Harper Lee took a real event and shaped a novel around it to say what she felt was the truth in the scenario. But I particularly love when Scout says that her father was "the bravest man in the world" because he did the right thing even when he knew it was a dangerous thing.

    I cannot wait to read The Mockingbirds - sounds like JUST the kind of book I like passing around to all my young and young at heart friends.!


  18. I LOVE To Kill A Mockingbird and am eager to read The Mockingbirds if for no other reason than it aspires to capture the amazing spirit of the original. It's been a few years (far too long) since I've read To Kill A Mockingbird, but I really love the scene when you finally see Boo Radley and find out that he's the one that's been doing all those kind things for Jem and Scout (I may have some details wrong - it really has been too long). It just teaches Scout so much about prejudice in a way that this complicated racial trial can't teach such a young little girl.

    Thank you so much for the chance to win!


  19. Oh how I'd love to win this book!

    To Kill a Mockingbird is my absolute favorite book. I can't pick a scene but will instead say how much of an impact it had on me as a young adult - Atticus became the model of the type of father I wanted to have for my kids. I just loved that man.

  20. Everyone does seem to be talking about this book. I want it bad. It sounds so good.
