Wednesday, September 07, 2011

It's been so long since I posted here, Blogger has completely redesigned and I can't figure out where anything is.


How are you all, my lovelies?

I've seen many of you on Twitter and such, which I've been sucked back into been visiting again now and then, so I'm not completely off the map. Just haven't gotten back here.

The good news is that I've been busy with: 

1. Vacation! We went for a lovely, restful week to the Oregon coast and a tiny smidge of a visit to Portland. The week included 3 visits to the science museum, 2 visits to the air & space museum, 2 visits to the Tillamook cheese factory, 2 evenings at the waterpark, 2 days at the beach, 1 steam train ride, 1 jet boat ride, 1 motor boat ride up the river, and lots of fudge, ice cream, and cheese. *happy*

2. Book! Still working away on self-edits for Happy Sauce. I'm doing line-by-line now, which is by turns excruciating and exhilarating. Sometimes I forget what I'm supposed to be doing and just read. I like it when that happens.

3. Back to school/dance/art class. This one's mostly for Child, but it does involve a great deal of parental participation. I admit I might have been a bit late on getting the rides scheduled/tap shoes bought/art supplies ready etc., but I *think* we're there now. And Child wasn't going to audition for Annie, but now she's not sure. We may be adding more to our schedule!

Hope you all are well!! I will try to be back here more often...


  1. I want to hear more about the books you are editing? writing?

    YA = as in upper teens, younger teens or a mix?

    I work in a k-8 grade library so I am always on the look out for YA for middle grade age, and yet I also have nieces that I like to buy books for - all now older than 16. :)

  2. Great to hear you're busy working! Looking forward to good news when Happy Sauce goes out into the world via Janet! : )

  3. Hi Mardel!

    YA as in...I'm not sure yet. And I'm not in a stage where I can talk about what it's about or anything. But keep that interest for a little while, k?

  4. Hi Ara!!

    Thanks! It's all good. :)

  5. i like the new paint job!

    I'm happy you're happy!

    Let's dance!
