Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Win a copy of Witch Eyes!

It's here. *drum roll* The Scott Tracey interview and GIVEAWAY!!

Scott!! Welcome!! 

First, let me say how fabulous it is to have you HERE. We've been part of Team Sparkle together for a couple years and many thousands of emails, but this is our first formal-ish interview. I feel all official now.

So that's not what I'm going to ask you about.

*shrug* It's already  there, right? Today, we are going to have simple FUN. And be silly. And give away a signed copy of your book!

Let's begin.

In Witch Eyes, Braden has magical eyes that let him see through lies and spells. So let's talk about eyes today. Eyes are the most expressive aspect of a person…and the most revealing.

1. Who has the creepiest eyes you've ever seen?
Creepiest eyes ever?  Steve Buscemi.   

Don't believe me?  There is a Tumblr called 'Chicks with Steve Buscemi eyes' and it's traumatizing.

 *Note: Scott is not kidding with the traumatizing. Click on that link AT YOUR OWN RISK.

2. Most beautiful eyes? Male and female?
Oh jeez.  This is always so hard! Matt Bomer for the guy, for sure.  

For the girl, I have two.  Sharbat Gula, for the best 'real person' eyes.  If you don't recognize her name, she was the 'National Geographic cover' girl with the startling green eyes.  She actually comes up (or she used to) when you search "Witch Eyes" on Google Images. 

For the celebrity, I'm going to go with Kristin Kreuk from Smallville (ahem, or Chuck guest star!).  Or Elizabeth Taylor if we're talking old Hollywood.

 3. There's a beautiful shot of Braden's eyes on the cover. Is that what you imagine them looking like? If not, what did you imagine?

If you took a snapshot, that's probably as close as you'd get to Braden's eyes.  Aside from the "witch eyes" aspect of his powers, his eyes are constantly shifting colors, so while his eyes are blue and green on the cover, if you took a shot a second later, they might be brown and gray, or gold and black.  

The lightning is fairly symbolic image of the power of the eyes, because I don't THINK he can shoot lightning out of his eyes (although who knows?  There's always the sequel). ;)

4. Quick, writing short: write me a story, in 50 words or less, about some sort of special eyes.

Whisper Tony was a legend in my town.  Everyone had a Whisper Tony story; my brother swore ours  was true.  He never said a word, and his eyes were like chocolate and arsenic.  With a look, he'd lull you in, and poison you just as fast. 
I miss my brother.

50 words exactly.

5. I'm watching you…in your nightmares, what kind of eyes are following you around in the dark?

I don't have a doll phobia, but when my little sisters were growing up, they had one of those My Size Barbies, right?  And the Barbie stayed in the basement, where the laundry also was.   

So on mornings when I had to go iron my uniform before school (which was almost every morning), I would stumble downstairs, bleary eyed and half asleep, and the first thing to greet me was that doll.  And in those early morning hours, her eyes would follow me.

So if I gripped the iron like it would have to double as a weapon at a moment's notice, that's totally rational.

6. Show time: let's see YOUR eyes. Close up, please.

Now Scott is watching US!!
And he wants to hear from YOU.

Scott is giving away a SIGNED copy of Witch Eyes to one lucky reader. Here are the rules:

1. Contest closes Friday morning, 11 am MST.
2. To enter, comment on this post!
     (1) Include a link to a picture of eyes that affect you in some way: that you love, that creep you out, or intrigue you. Anything.
    (2) Write a 50-word short about eyes and post it here!
One entry added for each of these things. Total of 3 entries possible.

You WANT to win this, you guys!!! 

Trust me.



  1. Omg, you're LOOKING at me!!! D: Awesome interview, Scott and Suze! Don't enter me in the contest because I HAVE my own copy, but this was totally fun, and can I just say you both have GREAT eyes? O_O

  2. Anonymous10:17 AM

    What a fun post. I agree on Buscemi's eyes. Eek. LOL! Eyes creep me out and fascinate me both at the same time.

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  3. Eeeek! Don't look at me!

    Scott, you have beautiful eyes. You too, Suze.

    Buscemi...er, not so much.

    This was fun! :)

  4. I have seen that tumblr. *shudders*

    Here's a link to a really cool eye! I wonder how long the model had glitter on her face?

  5. LOL - I love this interview! But now I have Rockwell's "Somebody's Watching Me" stuck in my head.

    No need to enter me in the contest - I already have two copies :)

  6. Anonymous11:45 AM

    I love this interview and how it was about eyes! It's one of the things I notice about people when I first meet them (mostly whether they can look me in the eye -- it's a weird quirk of mine). And oh my word y'all were NOT even kidding about that Buscemi link! I CANNOT UNSEE THESE THINGS.

    Le sigh. Sharbat Gula's eyes are gorgeous.

    I've always been a fan of Enrique Iglesias' eyes. And, you know, the rest of him, but that's besides the point.



  7. Fantastic interview! I loved the questions. My girlfriend's cat has the biggest, most expressive eyes I've ever seen on a cat. But he always closes them for pictures, so I don't have a good picture. I think he thinks he's cute when he does his slow blink (which often follows getting in trouble).

    Thanks for the giveaway!
    Sara M
    sara_UFblog [at] yahoo [dot] com

  8. This interview is awesome! Although I made the mistake of checking out that Steve Buscemi tumblr.....I'm scared....
