Monday, October 24, 2011

Love Day Monday

It's time for a Love Day, because Monday needs a little brightening. Especially today--I can't even see the mountains outside, it's so cloudy/foggy/rainy. *peers at mountains*

Today I love:

FALL. Pumpkin-scented candles and salted caramel mochas, sweaters I'd forgotten I owned and everything orange and yellow. Halloween parties crammed with ghosts and vampires and witches.

BOOKS. Specifically, both books I'm reading right now: SUPERNATURALLY by Kiersten White and THE GIRL OF FIRE AND THORNS by Rae Carson. Supernaturally is light and fun and escapist, and I love Evie. GoF&T is amazing in its worldbuilding. Once I started the sample on my Kindle I did NOT want to stop. In fact, it's calling to me right now...

FRENCH COMEDIES. Hubby and I have this thing for watching French screwball/romantic comedies every once in a while, and I really enjoy them. They don't do the same plot twists/character developments as American romcoms do, and I love that unexpectedness. I Do is a particularly good one we saw yesterday.

BRITISH DRAMAS. Downton Abbey. Sherlock. Luther. Oh, BBC, I adore you. But PLEASE COME OUT WITH NEW MATERIAL FASTER. Oh my god, the second season of Luther nearly killed was *almost* too dark. So close to that line. But in the end I want more.

HAPPY SAUCE. I hope to finish revisions today or tomorrow and get it out to one more beta reader for a fresh post-revision opinion. Then...the synopsis. Dum dum dum. But I still love this book.

What do you love today?


  1. You are rocking the snot out of your story!

    This post made me happy all around. Is that a cheat of an answer?

  2. Anonymous9:45 PM

    I love my new grey boots I bought yesterday, but alas, it's not quite cold enough to wear them yet! Also, I bought a cute little single by Karmin called "Crash Your Party." If you want something cute and fun to listen and bob your head to.

    Also, Suburgatory! It's so witty and fresh and sarcastic and cynical! Love it.

  3. It's not Monday, but it feels like it so...

    I'm loving the fall too! Alabama is gorgeous in the fall. The colors, the weather, THE BREEZE! It's wonderful.

    Also, I currently am loving Halloween. I just posted about this on my blog. Normally it's so rushed, but this year I started way in advance. It has been so much more fun building up to it. We can't wait!
