Friday, February 15, 2013



Thanks, you guys!! The winner is:


Congratulations, Ashley! You'll get an email from me so I can get your fabulous prize on the way. Hope everyone else checks this book out when it comes out April 2!


You know what I haven't done in a while?


I think it's time I fix that, right now. And I have the perfect book for it. Take a look at this awesome cover:

I KNOW, RIGHT? Ghosts and historical and creepy-awesome-looking girl with a touch of steampunk. Yesssss.

But what's better is what's inside. Here's the official description:
In 1918, the world seems on the verge of apocalypse. Americans roam the streets in gauze masks to ward off the deadly Spanish influenza, and the government ships young men to the front lines of a brutal war, creating an atmosphere of fear and confusion. Sixteen-year-old Mary Shelley Black watches as desperate mourners flock to séances and spirit photographers for comfort, but she herself has never believed in ghosts. During her bleakest moment, however, she’s forced to rethink her entire way of looking at life and death, for her first love—a boy who died in battle—returns in spirit form. But what does he want from her?
Featuring haunting archival early-twentieth-century photographs, this is a tense, romantic story set in a past that is eerily like our own time.

I was lucky enough to get an ARC of this book--it doesn't come out until April 2--and I *devoured* it. Disclaimer: I've known Cat years? More? We worked together long before we both ended up writing YA. She hosted my baby shower. So honestly I was a bit afraid to read it...because what if I didn't like it? How would I deal with it?

NOT A PROBLEM. You guys, it is so very good. Exquisitely written, spooky (almost more because of the influenza than the ghosts), and so, so atmospheric. The voice grabbed me and threw me into 1918 San Diego, and I was fascinated from there.

So, who wants to have my SIGNED copy? It also includes a bookmark signed by Cat. You do, right?

Here's how you enter:

1. For TWO entries in the drawing: comment below with (1) your name, (2) your email address, and (3) a fact about 1918. Any fact! Google happily!

2. For an additional entry, tweet about the contest with a link (@ me (@susan_adrian) so I know)

3. For another additional entry, post about the contest on Facebook! (I am, shockingly, Susan Adrian)

We're trying to spread the word about this fabulous book, so when it releases April 2 everyone will KNOW how much they want it. And one of you will already have it in your hands!

Since it's a 3-day weekend, contest will close Tuesday morning at 8 am MST, and I'll draw a random winner. North American entries only, sorry!

Good luck!


  1. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Rebecca Petruck here with the following fact: April 21, 1918 – Manfred Von Richthofen, "The Red Baron", WWI's most successful fighter pilot, dies in combat at Morlancourt Ridge near the Somme River.

  2. I can't wait to read this book! I hope I win. I hope. I hope. I hope.
    Hi, I'm Dana Elmendorf.
    My email is girlw1eye at gmail

    My 1918 fact: The Influenza pandemic of 1918 caused more deaths than the four years of the Bubonic Plague.
    Wow, that's scary.

  3. I've been dying to read this one but can't seem to get ahold of a copy!

    Tiffany Johnson,

    1918 fact: Daylight Savings Time goes into effect in the US.

    Tweeted the link via @fictiffous

  4. This book looks fantastic! My 1918 fact: Moscow became the capital of Soviet Russia. Thanks for the giveaway.! (I will tweet and share on FB and put links in a separate comment since my phone is being difficult right;)

  5. Well hello there!
    1. My name is Erin Hoffman!
    2. My email address is
    3. Fact: 1918 was the year British women earned the right to vote!

  6. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Creepy, historical YA Fiction? Yes, please!

    1. Sarah Crowley


    3. Fact: Due to the rapid onset of the influenza in the winter of 1918, there was a coffin supply shortage which lead to mass burials.

  7. I have heard awesome things about this book!!
    1. Ashley Walsh
    3. 1918 was the year Rin Tin Tin was born.

  8. This book sounds great. I'd love to read it! Thank you for the giveaway.

    1. Renee DeAngelo


    3.The influenza or flu pandemic of 1918 infected an estimated 500 million people worldwide--about one-third of the planet’s population at the time--and killed an estimated 20 million to 50 million victims. YIKES!

  9. Thank you again for running this giveaway, Susan, and for helping to spread the word about this book! Thanks also to everyone who entered the giveaway with 1918 trivia!

    Another WWI fact that's one of my favorite pieces of info from the time period:

    As Susan knows, I have a 15-year-old dog named Iggy, an American Eskimo. The breed was called "American Spitz" until WWI, when the U.S. quickly changed the names of anything that sounded remotely German. In honor of my fluffy long-time family member and his breed's history, I gave one of my IN THE SHADOW OF BLACKBIRDS characters the last name Spitz. :)
