Friday, September 13, 2013

15 is a good number

It has been an interesting couple of days.

I have not-great news. And good news! And the not-great news makes the good news possible, so it all works out.

Not-great news: the release date for TUNNEL VISION has been moved a few months, to early 2015. I think this is actually a good thing for the book, but you will have to WAIT a little longer. Sorry!

But because the few months' bump put me into 2015, I am no longer really part of the OneFourKidLit group I've been hanging out in. And I found out there wasn't a new group already there for 2015.

So, being me, I'm creating one!

All I know so far is the name: Fearless Fifteeners.

This group will be for YA and MG authors, traditionally published, not previously published or self-published, and debuting in 2015.

If you fit these categories and would like to be an admin/help organize the group, please let me know ASAP (

If you fit these categories and would like to join the group as a member, please hold off for a bit, but watch this space/my social media. It'll hopefully be soon!

Because we are FEARLESS. :)


  1. I'm in!! Unless it involves actual rock climbing and handstands. I'm a writer not an athlete. I want to live long enough to hold my book!

  2. If interested, there's actually a Freshman 15 group already started. Perhaps join forces for one SUPER GROUP of awesomeness??

  3. Yay, Becky!!

    Lauren: The Freshman 15 group has indicated that they're intending to keep the number of members very small, AND only include YA writers. The Fearless Fifteeners will be inclusive of both MG and YA, and carry on the reins from the Apocalypsies/Lucky 13s/OneFourKidLit groups.

  4. As a rock climber and a slack liner I had to click on your post just to watch them jump over and over again. Way to make a positive out of your changing release day. I like the name Fearless Fifteeners. Best of luck!

  5. Thanks, Robin! I stared at that gif for a long while too. :)
