Monday, April 02, 2007

In which I am surrounded by famous people

Wow, very cool news is all around me:

--Vicki Pettersson's second book, The Taste of Night, popped onto the shelves at the end of last week. I haven't talked about it yet because I still haven't gotten my grubby hands on a copy (grrrr), but soon, my friends, soon. It promises to be truly kick-ass.

--Another forum friend, Jo Bourne, had her book accepted by Berkley a while back...and it's already on Amazon! I can't wait to read this one either.

Add these to the friends I saw performing in our Symphony this weekend, and the friends who are playing guitar and singing at our local coffeehouse on Friday, and I am overwhelmed by all the talent surrounding me.

I'd better get myself in gear too, eh? :)


  1. Anonymous11:11 AM

    I picked up Taste yesterday, and I'm already about halfway through it- and you are right. It's totally kick-ass!

  2. Hi Susan,
    That's great news about Jo. Thanks for sharing. (And yes, our avatars looks suspiciously the same. Love the hat.) :P

  3. Julie:

    I'm jealous. Must. Take. Time. To. Purchase. {g}

  4. Carol:

    Now I just look like your avatar in disguise. {g}

  5. Oh wow! Jo's book is out. I have to go take a look.

  6. Suze,
    You're going to love TASTE. *g*
