Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Word Choice

Transcript of actual conversation with Child last night. Remember that Child just turned 5 years old.

Child: "Look, Mommy, did you see that? I'm shaking my booty!"

Me: {boggling}

Child: {giggles} "Did you see? I'm shaking my booty, my booty! Do you know what a booty is?"

Me: {faintly} "Yes..."

Child: "Isn't that funny?"

Me, trying to think faster than the molasses pace I'm managing so far: "You know, 'booty' isn't really a nice word."

Child: "Like butt?"

Me, who has fought several battles over 'butt': "Exactly. It's not a word we should use outside the house. What's the word we should use for that with other people?"

Child: {giggles again} "Bottom!"

Me: "Right, good."

Child: "Booty, butt, bottom. Booty, butt, bottom. You know, they all sound the same! Booty! Butt! Bottom!"

At this point I bent over to pick something up off the floor.

Child: "Mommy, now YOU are shaking your booty!"

Me, giving up....


  1. LOL! Cute.

    Little Boy still thinks all things bathroom are the height of humor, and has since he was two. {pained sigh} What is it with that, anyway??? One day when he was three he climbed onto a step-stool (nakers, it was after his bath) and shook *his* booty - chanting some made-up song about Mr. BumBum... I don't think his father is truly recovered. Me, I wish I'd had the video camera out. I'll bet you can get a teenager to do anything you want, if you have someting like that on tape. {EG}

  2. Hahahaha--the joys of parenthood! =)

    Funny story!

  3. Suze,

    LOLOL! I love that. Allison does that too, but the first time was when grandma was babysitting her. My mom wonders what the hell I teach her...

