Friday, May 02, 2008

One more sharing Friday: snippet

Quite a sharing week. I've shared a good link, music, books, and a picture of me. It's Friday, and we're back to what I share best: words.

One more snippet of Ghost Girl to whet your appetites, before I go back to GG radio silence. (and I go back to finishing my final projects! Almost...done...) Today, meet Tony.

From Ghost Girl, by Susan Adrian:

Tony walked in, and my stomach flipped. I took a shot of him before he saw me, his dark blonde hair sleek from the wind, sunglasses hiding his eyes. Coatless, T-shirt and jeans filled out just right, a parade of goosebumps down his arm. Yeah, I'd save that shot for later. Maybe blow it up.

He looked around the room, acknowledged us with a chin jerk, and strode over. He didn't sit, though, just took off his sunglasses and tapped them on the table. "Hey."

"Hey," we all said, almost in chorus. My heart was drumming its own rhythm, a fast salsa beat.

"What's up?" His eyes flicked to mine, and held. His bottom lip twitched. There was just the slightest hint of stubble there, on his chin. I'd missed that bit last night when I was fantasizing.

Waiting for you, I wanted to say. Instead I said, cool, "Just got here."

"Can I talk to you for a sec?" He scanned the room again. "Outside?"

I frowned, with a quick glance at Dana. God, he wasn't a smoker, was he? I didn't think he was. But what did I know? She made a shooing motion, and I realized I hadn't answered him. "Sure," I said, as nonchalantly as I could manage.

I followed him out, zipping my coat up as we hit the frosty air outside. He headed around the corner toward the dumpsters, then stopped. He didn't whip out any cigarettes, though. Whew. He just stood shifting his feet, looking at me, eye to eye. I waited. He waited. Somebody was going to have to say something eventually.

He twisted to look behind him, then again at me. "So I heard about this ghost thing with you." His eyebrows drew together. "You're the ghost girl, right?"

Crap. "That's why you want to talk to me?"


Enjoy your weekend, everyone!


  1. You're leaving me hanging like that? HOW COULD YOU? I want to read more...

  2. That's precisely the idea, darlin'. {beam} Thanks!

  3. Oooh, another GG snippet -- very nice! I like this Tony. Hurry with your edits, so I can read more of him. Hurry, hurry, hurry! (Er, no pressure. {g})


  4. Linder:


    Don't be too sure you like Tony. I'm just sayin'. :)

  5. Is Tony a bad boy? But I _like_ bad boys. {wg}


  6. Awesome snip, Susan! It really flows, and I could picture everything perfectly!

  7. Hello,

    I have no idea how I came to your blog, but it feels like destiny. I'm a fellow writer, and I just love the excerpts from Ghost Girl. For me, your writing is incredible - snappy, poetic, visual - I can almost taste it. Love it love it!


  8. Wow, thanks, Rob! Welcome. :)
