Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Tids & Bits

I'm still on a high from our amazing getaway weekend. WOW. Highlights:

--As a surprise, hubby bumped us up to first class. Picture me at 33,000 feet lounging in a plush chair, my feet dangling above the floor, sipping a gin-and-tonic at 11 AM and completely engrossed in reading about Bones (Jeaniene Frost's yummy hero--and Vic, he is so mine.). Aaaaaaah. Also, the board room at the Seattle airport is a secret haven.

--A full 4-course Thai meal with hubby. I love me some Thom kai gai soup.

--Sipping my first-ever Cosmos (pink!) with hubby in a bar in downtown San Diego, rocking out to bouncy live jazz as people streamed by outside.

--Shoe-shopping. Chocolate shopping, at the Ghirardelli store.

--The concert we actually went for, KT Tunstall, was sooooo fun. I loved it. The front row seats we bought on E-bay Actually Worked!

Unfortunately we did have to get up at 4:15 AM Sunday to catch our plane, but it was worth it.


I finished the aforementioned book, One Foot in the Grave, on the plane rides. Yowza. I recommend Chapter 31. {cough} Well-written, engrossing, and I adore the characters.


I turned in my final project for the multimedia class-from-hell on Friday! Hurrah. Just have to write that ethics paper today...


Edits on GG are going well again, because I gave in and started editing chronologically. Apparently I just am more comfortable that way.


Child has a dress rehearsal this afternoon for her dance recital, with performances tomorrow night and Thursday night. Then in two weeks we have Kindergarten graduation!!!



Jo has posted some amazingly excellent writing advice, which is not unusual for her. Jo's advice is clear, well-illustrated, and SMART. Listen to her.


That is all for now! I've got a paper to write and some trouble to stir up!


  1. What a glorious weekend--I'm so glad you had a great time. Don't forget to get a little bouquet for Child's recital, because I DID forget the very first recital.

  2. I loved _Halfway to the Grave_ (which I won in a contest here, btw -- thanks again!). I will definitely snag myself a copy of _One Foot in the Grave_, too, now that I know it's out there.

    Oh, and your weekend sounds positively yummy, you lucky duck. {s}


  3. Oh wow, what an incredible weekend! I'd love to see KT Tunstall. Haven't been away for ten years, how sad is that? Maybe next year. (sigh)

    I'm ordering Breathe My Name today, because ever since I read your recommendation I keep going back to it in my mind, curious.

    Nice picture!

  4. Steph: We did a bouquet each night...first night grandma and grandpa, next night us. It's necessary!

    Linda: I forgot that was part of the package! Yes, you definitely need the next one.

    Cindy: Oh, you'll like BREATHE MY NAME. Enjoy!!
