Friday, June 06, 2008


Inspired by Pam:

Our tulips finally opened! In June!

A flock of cedar waxwings comes through and rests in our yard this time every year--they're such pretty birds. I didn't have the good camera with me, so this is the closest I could get.


  1. Nice tulip shots. But June? Seriously. You may as well live up here in the Great White North.

    I have yet to see a Cedar Waxwing. I know they're there, I just haven't been able to spot one. Luck-ee-ey!

  2. Dude. We ARE the Great White North. We are practically Canadian, eh?

    We're lucky that the waxwings love our crabapples. Right in front of the house. :)

    P.S. It just started snowing again.

  3. Susan,

    The tulips are beautiful. How nice to have those nearby.

  4. Beautiful tulips! We had snow on our tulips in April. But June? Sheesh!

  5. Carol: Thanks! Yep, those are in our front yard. It was a pleasant surprise left by the last inhabitants.

    Ingrid: I know! And it snowed a touch more this weekend...
