Monday, June 09, 2008

Wahoo Woohoo Woot

And Vicki's book THE TOUCH OF TWILIGHT hit the NYT Bestseller list this week at #27!!

A big woo-hoo for my girl: Woo-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

In other news, my big rush-rush work project is done, so now I can catch up on everything I had to put off to get it done. And I've gotten GG back from 3 beta-readers, with good feedback. One more to go, and it's off to NY! 2 more posts I will hit my 500th post. I want to do something to celebrate, but am coming up with nothing original. Any good ideas? No more book mailings for a bit, and I don't have any more NYT-bestselling author interviews up my sleeve for the time being. Hmmmm. Think, think, think.

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