Tuesday, March 31, 2009


My motto right now: One Step Closer; Just A Bit More Work

My thesis was accepted by my committee: yay! With revisions. But they're not too bad or too extensive, so I can do it. (just a bit more work) I also need to conceive and prepare a 40-minute powerpoint presentation for my defense, which is officially April 21st. (work) Along with that I have roughly one more month of school, in which to do a presentation and 2 final projects (almost there...just a bit more work)

And I'm working on a different Super Secret Project for writing, which I'm bouncy excited about. I can't wait to get to the page whenever I can to pwn this. (say the motto with me!)

I apologize if there are those of you I've been neglecting. As you see, my plate is a bit full...but it's all good. (And I still love you!) Someday, all this will be done and I won't know what to do with myself.

Or I'll be on to the next thing, more likely.

(one step closer; just a bit more work)


  1. I'm all for mottos & inspirational sayings. (In fact,the kiddos and I painted *B*R*E*A*T*H*E* on the classroom ceiling last year). Yours is a keeper. Hmmmm... *looks around for a place to display it*

    Can't wait to hear more about the bouncy project!

  2. You'll get there with all projects before you know it. And I like your new blog colors!

  3. Hi Suze:

    This motto is great for me right now, thank you! Congrats on the thesis, I know you worked hard and you're almost there.

    As for super secret, aren't yours always? (G) Some day I'll go and buy the boxed set.

  4. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Hmmm, was that you ~apologizing~ for being a full-time Mom, Grad Student, Wife, Writer, and Superwoman?? We're not feeling neglected, bb, we're standing back in *awe*. **\o/** For YOU!

  5. I hear ya sistah. It's good to have a deadline so you can know this period of crazy-busyness is finite huh?

  6. Um...just realized I never commented on your comments. Bad blogger!!

    Thank you guys, so much. Your support keeps me moving!
