Thursday, March 26, 2009


So...I don't want to jinx this streak, but the past couple of days have been pretty ~*sparkly*~.

No huge news, but lots of little encouraging signs from the Universe that I'm on the right path...that things just might work out in the end if I put everything I've got into it.

You KNOW I'll do that! I don't know how to do anything else, really.

So onward. Next step forward on all fronts. Thank you, Universe and others (you know who you are), for the encouragement. I needed it right then. :)

Hope you get ~*sparkly*~ encouragement today too!


  1. Caught a glimpse at your facebook status and had to come over to see what had you so giddy...sounds promising...

    Sending you more sparkles to keep the momentum going!


    Good luck!

  2. Yay for encouraging news! May it keep on coming!!!

  3. Thanks, Helene!

    Linda: Winning free books from your agent yesterday didn't hurt. :)

  4. Yay! Pleased for you. Hope the goodness lasts forever.

  5. Hip hip hooray! Whatever it is, I hope it doubles & triples & continues...

    Can't wait to hear the details!
