Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Props for Writers

Hello! Official excuse for not updating: I've been sitting in a corner thinking Deep Thoughts.*

*This is not true. I've been alternately detoxing from thesis push and catching up on everything, including getting back to writing. Yay!

To ease my way back into the blog thing, I created a meme for writers, to encourage each other. I don't tag people, but if you're so inclined, please copy and post for yourself! I'd love to see your names!

Props for Writers

It's all about sharing the love for fellow wordsmiths. Let's face it, this is not the easiest business to be in, and we can all use each other's support. I tried not to repeat names, since there are so many to give props to, but feel free to repeat if you wish, and list unpubbed authors too!

1. Name 3 "classic" (however you choose to define that term) authors you love to read.

William Shakespeare
Jane Austen
Douglas Adams

2. Name 3 current authors you love to read.

Courtney Summers
Libba Bray
Maggie Stiefvater

3. Name 3 authors you admire for their skill.

Vicki Pettersson
Melissa Marr
Bill Cameron

4. Name 3 authors you admire for their persistence in this crazy, potentially soul-sucking gig.

Joanne Levy
Emily Hainsworth
Linda Grimes

5. Name 3 authors who deserve props for their support of other writers.

Diana Gabaldon
Joanna Bourne
Linda Gerber

6. Name 3 people who really "get" your work--whose love of your stuff carries you through.

Janet Reid
Linda Grimes
Kris Reekie

7. And for a switch, name the 3 things you love most about writing.

The escape
The satisfaction of having written
That transcendent moment when it all clicks in

And you?


  1. This is awesome and THANK YOU for the props!

    I would have to say that there are two things I really love about writing right now.

    1. Falling in love with my characters AND the heartbreak when I beat the shit out of them.
    2. The amazing friends I have made thanks to being a writer. Really, this is huge.

  2. Thanks, Joanne! You deserve the props.

    My only problem was limiting myself to three for each. I easily could've had 5-10 for each question!! Esp. the persistence one: Sue Seeger, Tiffany Schmidt, all my other twitter peeps, you're there too. :)

  3. Bill: Feel free to blush, but it's true!

  4. Thanks for the props, Suze! :-)

    Your fellow soul-suckee,


  5. Persistent? Me? I might just have to send this link to my parents and former teachers as proof that their impulsive, impatient imp has grown up to be persistent .

    Writing’s a daunting task but worth it and so rewarding when it brings me in contact with other fabulous writerly people like YOU!

    Thanks for making my day.

  6. I love that you love Courtney!! Thank you for including her in your list.

  7. Anonymous5:46 PM

    OMG my name appeared in a blog post with William Shakespeare, Douglas Adams, Jane Austen, Libba Bray, and Courtney Summers!! Eeee!! I will be re-meme-ing this meme, just so you know! ...After I finish PERSISTENTLY hitting myself over the head with my manuscript, of course. *hugs* Susan, you're made of awesome.

    p.s. (been having problems w/ comments posting, plz ignore if I spammed you a whole bunch. :)

  8. Yay! I'm on your list!!

  9. Tiffany: Heck yeah, you are persistent. And FUNNY. :)

    Amy: I lurve Courtney. In fact, I need to check...I might just be married to Courtney at this point.

    Emily: You are made of awesome back!!

    Janet: But of course, #1 Supporter. :)

  10. Anonymous8:38 PM

    What a fun idea! May have to address this one (though I always plan to do memes and never, ever remember when it's time).
