Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday the 13th Tiara Day CONTEST!

Hi all!! Happy Tiara Day!!

I'ts raining with a high of 60 today, so I am GLAD I called for the major sparkle patrol. I will need it to see what I'm doing over here. *murk*

So I've got some books to give away. Not ALL of them, but 2. Or maybe 3. There are only TWO things you can do to enter (I like simple contests):

  • Wear a tiara on your avatar or a pic of a tiara as your avatar today (Friday the 13th). Usually we play on Twitter (hashtag #tiaraday), but feel free to use it anywhere. Or wear one on your actual head and take a pic for me! Points only count once, though. Let me know through a comment here or an @ reply on Twitter (susan_adrian) that you're showing your sparkle. (+3 entries)
  • Spread the word about Tiara Day, via retweet or Facebook link. (+1 entry)
So the max entries you can get is 4.  But just by plopping a Tiara on your virtual head, you get THREE entries! I'll do a random draw sometime tomorrow and announce the winners this weekend. Winners get to pick their choice of any one of these books:

If you can't see them all, that's:

BEFORE I FALL by Lauren Oliver
THE DUST OF 100 DOGS by A.S. King
HOW I LIVE NOW by Meg Rosoff
THE PALE HORSEMAN by Bernard Cornwell (adult-type book for you non-YA peeps)
BITTER NIGHT by Diana Pharaoh Francis (I just realized mine is signed--I forgot!--so I will BUY one if you pick this. It's really good.)
IF I STAY by Gayle Forman

OOOH, and update!!! Bill Cameron, FABULOUS agent mate, has also thrown in a copy of Day One as a prize!!
So there will be at least 3 winners now. I wanna see some sparkle out there!!!

Contest closes at midnight tonight!
*Drat, I forgot to say North American entries only. That one time I mailed a contest prize to husband still talks about that. *cough*


  1. I'm in! I want that copy of DAY ONE! I hear it's really good.

  2. I've read it so consider me exempt. I just wanted to sparkle.

  3. I'm all sparkly! And ten minutes later it's still on my head.

  4. Count me in! I'm wearing my cheezy photoshopped tiara on Twitter.

    So many good books to choose from!

  5. Anonymous11:53 AM

    I can't believe it's one o'clock and I'm just realizing it's tiara day! I'm changing my avatar now.

  6. They used the 's' word in my weather forecast today. I need all the sparkles I can get.

  7. Haha! I was so psyched for tiara day, and I didn't even realize that there was a contest! And one in which I get to compete with my contest nemesis Linda Grimes! So much awesome.

  8. I don't know how to add a tiara to my avatar.

    *sad face* I'll still re-tweet!!!! Free BOOKS!!!!


  9. I dusted some sparkle about Tiara Day on Twitter! Oh, and my avatar is all glammed up. :)


  10. Fun, fun, fun. Thanks for the contest, tiara girl!

  11. WHOO HOO! I had to borrow a tiara, but I'm all dressed up now and I'll be retweeting the word! Thanks for having such a great contest!
