Monday, August 16, 2010

Tiara Day winners!

Thank you all so much for playing! That was FUN. Hooray! We can all use a little fun now and then, y?

RE the winners...I should NEVER promise I will do something internet-related on the weekend. Weekends are practically internet-free at my house. For more than 5 minutes here and there, anyway. Instead of drawing winners this weekend, we had pancakes with huckleberry syrup, went to an Irish festival, mowed the lawn, barbecued, read books outside in the shade of our crabapple trees, played Wii, watched movies, and bought back-to-school stuff for Child and water shoes for me (for an adventure I'm having soon).

Not much time for drawing winners!

But here they are, better late than never:

A copy of DAY ONE, generously donated by Bill Cameron: Elizabeth Ryann
First dibs on books: Elisabeth Black
Second dibs on books: Rhonda Cowsert

Congrats, guys! Hope you had fun!


  1. Congrats to all the winners! :)

    (Why, no, I didn't just punch my computer. I'm MUCH too gracious a loser to do that.)

  2. LOL, Linda. You slay me. *g*

    And congrats to all the Winners!
    Until next time, bawahahahaha...


  3. Did you see I won TWO things yesterday? I'm knocking on wood just saying that.

    Thanks for the contest.
