Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Happy Sauce!

Related to the New Agent news, I have to pop in to confess how THRILLED I am to be back at work on Happy Sauce.

While I was querying agents I tried to put that whole book world aside and work on other things, like you're supposed to. I bounced around a few good ideas before settling on one, doing some research and planning, and I was about 3k in when all this *waves hands* happened. Yes, that'll be a fun book, and I'll get back to it eventually, and maybe I'll fall in love with it too.

But Happy Sauce fills me up differently. It's my love book and always has been. And I'm working on it again. Right now! Yay!

/this message has been brought to you by the Insane Writers Society of America. You're welcome.


  1. It's so, so, so exciting to see you so excited! Also: YAY Happy Sauce!

  2. Here's to getting happy & sauced! :D

  3. Anonymous7:23 PM

    YAY HAPPY SAUCE!!!! =)

  4. I subscribe to Kate Testerman's blog, and just read about her signing you. Congratulations! I thought I'd swing by and introduce myself. I"m a Montana girl too, but I live in Colorado now. My YA novel takes place in MT, and I just signed with the Levine Greenberg Agency, which is still too surreal to be true. Is your novel set in MT as well?

    I'll look forward to seeing your name in Publishers Marketplace!! ;-) Congrats again.

    Beth Christopher

  5. Hi, Beth!!

    Thanks so much! No, previous novels have taken place in Montana, but this one is set near D.C. Write what you...imagine? :)

    Congrats on your signing as well, and I will wish the same for you! Feel free to email if you need a friendly Montanan (well--I'm an ex-Californian, if that makes a difference) to chat about the process with.

  6. Hi Susan! I saw you over on KT's blog as well and had to write since a) my parents have a house in Montana and my book is set there (Hello to you too, Beth!), b) I'm moving to Russia in four months, and c) I live outside of DC (and I'm also an ex-Californian - weird) :) Congrats on finding an awesome agent and good luck with your novel(s)!

  7. Mara:

    Wow, that is a lot of things in common! YOU may just have to email me to help me practice Russian. At which I am still so, so sadly lacking.
    Всего хорошего!
    (...and I just tried to type the confirmation words in Russian...)

  8. (also, Mara--Hi! and thank you!)

  9. I guarantee I speak less Russian than you right now! My husband just joined the Foreign Service and he's in full-time Russian training. I begin my sad little computer course next month :P Right now I can say "I don't speak Russian," and "It's tasty!" I'll be totally fine, right? :)

  10. Congrats on both the new agent *and* getting to work on Happy Sauce!

    I followed you here from Kate's blog as well. :)

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Thank you, Kristi! Nice to meet you. :)
